Monday, December 20, 2010
Urgent Message
We had a very heart touching experience last night. We had just attended the Christmas production at Choose Life Church and we were in the car heading home. I must first explain what happened at the play. During the altar call, Brady raised his hand to accept Jesus into his heart. In the corner of my eye I saw him put it up and keep it up. I quietly told him to go ahead and put it down. When we got in the car, he asked me why I told him to put his hand down. I explained that he just needed to put it up and then back down again. He didn't have to keep it in the air. But Ty and I wanted to take this opportunity to poke a bit further. Ty asked him why he raised his hand? Brady responded that he wanted Jesus in his heart. Knowing that he had repeated the salvation prayer before, we explained that when he asked Jesus in his heart the first time, Jesus became his Savior. And from this point on Jesus would always be with him. But at the same time, Ty encouraged Brady to respond to every altar call if he feels the tugging of the Holy Spirit. We as parents, want to encourage our boys to be obedient when they hear God calling. It was a lot for Brady to take in all at once. But he was very quiet and very receptive. A few minutes later we heard Brady say,"Hudson, do you want to ask Jesus to come in your heart?" Hud said, "No." And in Hud language he proceeded to explain that if Jesus came in his heart it would get too big and explode. Ty and I laughed quietly but Brady was distressed. "Hudson, you have to ask Jesus into your heart. Do you love him?" Hud was definitely not on the same page and in part he was trying to aggravate his brother. In complete distress, Brady said, "Hudson, if you say you love Jesus you can sleep on the top bunk." Well, of course Hudson agreed to loving Jesus. For one reason, he does love Jesus and the other is that he loves the top bunk. All was well and Brady took a deep sigh of relief. It wasn't until this morning that I was challenged by Brady's passion. He wouldn't let up with his brother. He wanted to make sure Hudson had Jesus in his heart just like he did. It's that child like mentality that is simple but real that we should all desire. So many people in my circle of friends have suddenly passed this holiday season. Some of them I know are in a better place. Others of them I can only hope and pray they had a moment with their Heavenly Father before passing from this earth. I'm not telling you that I am going to go bananas and drag people kicking and screaming to a relationship with Christ. But I am telling you that as Christians, our message is URGENT! Walk with your eyes open to those who are searching for THE ANSWER. Life is too short and we don't know what tomorrow holds. Be willing to share the TRUTH. Be willing to lead someone to their loving father. So here is my corny phrase for the next year. In 2011, let's lead many to HEAVEN!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The Right Place!
Tonight I listened to one of my favorite ministers, Pastor Craig Groeschel. He spoke a 37 minute podcast on his website Twenty minutes into the message I'm thinking to myself, "Man, I picked the wrong message. This one isn't for me." But I decided to finish what I had started. I continued to listen but I was piddling around at the same time. The last three minutes caught my attention. I literally stopped everything and sat down in front of my computer. His point hit me like a ton of bricks. The statement he made is going to be a future blog so I won't share it with you now. More to come on that later. But what he said was just what I needed to hear. I had spoken earlier with my good friend about this very subject that he "just so happened" to be discussing. I immediately thought, "Wow! God you do know what I need and you know when I need it." About an hour later I got to thinking again. Right in the middle of this message I was convinced his sermon had nothing to offer me. If I had shut the computer off and moved on to something else, I would have missed it. Is it possible that you are in the exact place God wants you and yet you don't see it? Is your situation tough and you feel like giving up? I believe that you could be in the right place, at the right time and the unveiling is right around the corner. Just hold on. Don't give up and don't let go. There is one thing I know for sure, God is right there with you. He can turn a good, a bad or an ugly moment into a God moment. Don't be quick to decide it isn't God. We often think that if our situation isn't a bed of roses it must not be God. On the contrary. Three men went into the fiery furnace but once inside there were four. Don't make a rash decision that could very well rob you of an amazing blessing.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Expect It!
I learned something today that I believe is worth telling. The word "wait" in scripture can be translated as "expect the Lord". Wait is not a passive verb but an active one. In Isaiah 40:31, the scriptures say that, "they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." When we sit back and wait on God, we can get discouraged. But if you expect God to do something in your life, you will be strengthened. A few Sundays ago Ty challenged the staff to be expecting God to do something great in our services. He said why would we come every week and not believe that God was going to do something BIG? God is for us and He wants the best for each of our lives. Our vocabulary has to change. It's not "if" but "when". What are you waiting on? Start expecting it to happen. Change your thoughts, change your words, change your attitude and then watch God change your situation. It can't just be a one time confession. We must make a conscious decision to speak faith over our situation. Once again, you must choose. I don't know about you but I want to be strengthened. And I am EXPECTING God to do something great in my life.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I'm so sorry that it has taken me so long to blog. I believe that in over a years time I have never gone this long without updating my blog. Life is so good and at the same time so busy. But many of you know what I have overcome this past year. I am so thankful for the peace that feels me. I am learning every day to give God control over my life. Giving up control does not come easy to me. But I have decided that If I remain doing things as I always have, I am doomed. I want God to lead me in the right direction. I want to seek Him in all I do. I love you all and I pray that you too will be filled with thanksgiving. We are all so very blessed. Take time this holiday season to rejoice in the gifts God has given you. Get ready for something BIG to happen in the near future. Be expecting great things. I promise God won't disappoint you. He loves you more than you will ever know.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
What do you want?
Tuesday night several of us attended the service at South Plains Church in Levelland Texas. We got to hear Coffey Anderson lead praise and worship and then Jesse Duplantis shared a great word. One of the points he made was that God doesn't need us but He wants us. He holds the stars and planets in the sky. He is very capable of doing anything and everything without us. But He loves us and wants relationship with us. Jesse was encouraging us to ask God for more. God is a loving Father who doesn't want to just meet our needs but to fulfill our wants. In His word He says that He will supply all of our needs according to His riches in Glory. If God says He will do it, then why do we continue to beg. It's either done or it's not. The Lord also says that He will do exceedingly abundantly more than we can ask or imagine. I can think of pretty big things but He will do more. We serve a big God with big ears. Don't be afraid to ask. What does your heart desire? Let Him know.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Hunger Pains!
In January, we are going to be doing a 9 week book club with the ladies of CJC. I am so excited about the author of this amazing book that has recently been introduced to me. My girlfriend Bethany just forwarded me the authors latest blog and I wanted to give you a sneak peek. I pray you are touched as much as I was. Start marking your calendars for Sunday nights at 4:45 to 5:45. Can't wait.
We cannot bear to feel empty for very long. In America we often have fast food restaurants every few yards, as capitalists cash in on our reluctance to experience hunger for more than a few minutes. The obesity epidemic confirms that we cannot bear the sensation of emptiness, that we are driven to satisfy the physical discomfort of hunger and the emotional discomfort of life: we want it NOW and we want it to wow the mouth.
We crave our junk food, however devoid it may be of real life-giving nourishment. We eat that which satisfies only briefly and makes us hungrier still. Eventually we may learn that what we’ve consistently fed ourselves has not only failed to nourish us, it has slowly stolen all vitality and strength of life; all because we cannot bear to be hungry.
But hunger is a gift, given by God to cause us to seek the nourishment we require for living. We must learn not to be afraid of it, or rush to fill the discomfort of it, with candy for the soul. God uses the word hunger as a metaphor for the neediness of the soul. We tend to do the same thing with the hunger of the soul that we do with physical hunger: finding it uncomfortable, we rush to fill our emptiness.
Our souls need love…peace…contentment…connection. Absent these for very long, we become frustrated and reach for anything to distract us from that hunger, like a Twinkie for the soul. Repeatedly turning to things which satisfy only briefly does not nourish our souls, and may even leave us addicted…to food, drugs, gaming, wrong relationships, and every other compulsion. Fast food is deceptive: it not only fails to give life, it actually takes life from us, day by day.
Don’t run away from your hunger, or rush to fill it with that which leaves you even more needy. Offer your hunger to God, of whom the ancients wrote, “You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.” (Psalms 145:16, NIV)
Wait upon God in trust, and give Him a chance to satisfy your soul…for he cries out to his children, “Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labour on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare. Give ear and come to me; hear me, that your soul may live.” (Isaiah 55:2-3, NIV)
We cannot bear to feel empty for very long. In America we often have fast food restaurants every few yards, as capitalists cash in on our reluctance to experience hunger for more than a few minutes. The obesity epidemic confirms that we cannot bear the sensation of emptiness, that we are driven to satisfy the physical discomfort of hunger and the emotional discomfort of life: we want it NOW and we want it to wow the mouth.
We crave our junk food, however devoid it may be of real life-giving nourishment. We eat that which satisfies only briefly and makes us hungrier still. Eventually we may learn that what we’ve consistently fed ourselves has not only failed to nourish us, it has slowly stolen all vitality and strength of life; all because we cannot bear to be hungry.
But hunger is a gift, given by God to cause us to seek the nourishment we require for living. We must learn not to be afraid of it, or rush to fill the discomfort of it, with candy for the soul. God uses the word hunger as a metaphor for the neediness of the soul. We tend to do the same thing with the hunger of the soul that we do with physical hunger: finding it uncomfortable, we rush to fill our emptiness.
Our souls need love…peace…contentment…connection. Absent these for very long, we become frustrated and reach for anything to distract us from that hunger, like a Twinkie for the soul. Repeatedly turning to things which satisfy only briefly does not nourish our souls, and may even leave us addicted…to food, drugs, gaming, wrong relationships, and every other compulsion. Fast food is deceptive: it not only fails to give life, it actually takes life from us, day by day.
Don’t run away from your hunger, or rush to fill it with that which leaves you even more needy. Offer your hunger to God, of whom the ancients wrote, “You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.” (Psalms 145:16, NIV)
Wait upon God in trust, and give Him a chance to satisfy your soul…for he cries out to his children, “Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labour on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare. Give ear and come to me; hear me, that your soul may live.” (Isaiah 55:2-3, NIV)
Monday, October 25, 2010
Many of you know that yesterday, Sunday, we had a grass fire on Cowboy Junction property. We arrived home from lunch to find sirens, lights and fire trucks surrounding our property. The flames had been contained but the smoke was still bellowing. One shift in the wind and it would have headed straight for our house and the church. "Thank you Jesus!" I must also say thank you to our wonderful friends and complete strangers. People that didn't even know us were trying to pen our cows and horses. It is amazing how people are so willing to help in a time of need. As soon as we arrived home, we joined the crew that were working with the cows. It was pretty amusing to see so many people running around waving their hands in the air trying to push a group of cows into a pen. it unfortunately did not work. The harder they tried, the more the cows tried to get away. About 30 minutes after we gave up and came inside, I went looking for Ty. He was outside visiting with the incredible Knowles Volunteer Fire Department. He walked over to me and said,"the cows are in their pen." How in the world did he do it all by himself? Here was the revelation. He said cows are like people, the harder you try to push them to go one way the more they resist. But if you will just open the gate and feed them, they will make their way in on their own. Who are you trying to force to do what you want? Are you getting anywhere with it? My guess would be No! Sometimes we just have to stop trying so hard. Take a breath. Give instead of take. Pause instead of push. Zip it instead of talking. Seven people couldn't get 16 cows in a pen. But done the right way, one man did. All your tactics won't get you the results you desire. But let God deal with it in His way and your situation will change. Or could it be that you will change? You may think that you know what's best but have you let God in on your decision making? Let this be revelation to you like it was to me.
Friday, October 22, 2010
I was turning South off of Kansas headed into Hobbs. As I drove past an overgrown spot of land on my right, I thought back to the days of colored golf balls and hole-in-ones. I'm speaking of the miniature golf course that use to be a Friday night family hang out. I don't know why my mind always goes deep but I guess that's just who I am. I got to wondering about how a once manicured piece of land could now look so bad. And then it hit me. It started with one weed. One weed that nobody bothered to pull turned into 10 weeds. Before long the ground was carpeted with a variety of weeds. Now the job seems too big. It looks too hard and not worth the effort. What if someone had taken the time to just pick a few weeds here and there? We have probably all dealt with weeds like this in our own yard. Or how about your laundry? One day the laundry is done and the next time you turn around the hamper is overflowing. How many times have you said,"I'm going to do one load a day so I can keep up."?
Well, I got to thinking about marriage. There are too many people who see a field full of weeds and they feel hopeless. They think it can't be fixed. IT CAN! It just won't be easy. The majority of couples get stuck going through the motions. They get comfortable, they turn their focus to work and kids and they take no time for one another. A year of neglect led to frustration and loneliness. Just like those weeds, we have to take a little time here and there. Speak a kind word when you think it. Give a hug or hold a hand. Write a note and leave it for her to find. Tell him that you can't imagine life without him. You may not even feel it but you wish you did. That's called FAITH. That is having VISION. If you will take a little time today, you will benefit from it tomorrow. Don't wait until it looks to be too late. But if you have waited and you feel like giving up, please don't. Just start pulling weeds. Your marriage is worth it.
Well, I got to thinking about marriage. There are too many people who see a field full of weeds and they feel hopeless. They think it can't be fixed. IT CAN! It just won't be easy. The majority of couples get stuck going through the motions. They get comfortable, they turn their focus to work and kids and they take no time for one another. A year of neglect led to frustration and loneliness. Just like those weeds, we have to take a little time here and there. Speak a kind word when you think it. Give a hug or hold a hand. Write a note and leave it for her to find. Tell him that you can't imagine life without him. You may not even feel it but you wish you did. That's called FAITH. That is having VISION. If you will take a little time today, you will benefit from it tomorrow. Don't wait until it looks to be too late. But if you have waited and you feel like giving up, please don't. Just start pulling weeds. Your marriage is worth it.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The View From My Seat!
I have to say that this weekends message spoke personally to me. It was perfectly clear to me that a lack of vision will lead to a loss of freedom which eventually leads you to feeling stuck in the grind. Ty ended his series on Samson this weekend. Samson was called to a great purpose and God had given him supernatural ability. But near the end of his life, he allowed attractions of this world to pull him into disobedience. He knew God's voice. He knew his purpose in this life. But somewhere along the way he was pulled by things that tickled his fancy. Have you ever felt pulled? It happens to all of us. The enemy is no respector of persons. If he can blind a teacher, a mechanic or a pastor, he will. It doesn't matter your race, your profession or your gender. The enemy wants to take your purpose that God has put in you and destroy it. He wants to blind you, take away your freedom and put you in a place of hopelessness. WOW! I knew all this but it just hit me differently because of this message. Take your marriage for instance. If you don't have a vision, a hope, a plan for your marriage, you will eventually feel trapped and without hope. You have to see your marriage not where it is but where you want it to be. See your marriage where you know God has called it to be. Proverbs 29:18 says,"where there is no vision, the people perish." I don't know about you but I want to LIVE! Samson was defeated by the very people he was called to conquer. God had given him a supernatural strength to defeat the philistines. But he gave into his weakness and his enemy defeated him. They plucked out his eyes, they bound his hands and he was left to grind wheat for the rest of his life. My favorite part of this story is the ending. Samson prayed a simple prayer. In Judges 16:28, he said "Oh God, remember me. Strengthen me just once more." And God did just that. He returned his gift of supernatural strength to Samson once again and he defeated more Philistines on that day than he had his entire life. Our God is faithful. Our God restores. God has placed a purpose in each of us. It was there before you were ever born. It doesn't matter how far away you have walked from God's perfect plan. It is never too late to come back. God will restore the sight of the blind. He will set the captives free. He will give purpose back to those who have lost it. Don't be like Samson and pray your prayer at the end of your life. Get real with God today!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Here's another question
Sorry guys that it has been over a week since I last blogged. With Ty being out of town and me preaching, I've been focusing on my message. So I have another question for you. How do you feel the church, the local body of believers, has been deceived? I gave three ways in my sermon this weekend. 1- A church service once a week is enough for my spiritual growth. 2-The church is a building where God lives. 3- We say, "I'm just ordinary. What difference can I make?" I strongly believe that God wants more from the body of believers. The enemy has distracted us from our purpose. What do you think?
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
If it doesn't hurt...
Okay, So I must blog about what is going on in my life at this very moment. The pain that I am in keeps me from thinking of anything else. I have just begun to work out with my friends, George and Misty. Today was only day 2 and every muscle in my body is screaming at me. Just moments earlier, I couldn't get off the couch. I had to fall to my knees and then use the coffee table to push myself up. Oh my goodness! I am in bad shape. I have never been much for exercise but I decided that I needed to change. I am 34 years old, done having kids and missing the body I once had. I know that with each year that passes it only gets harder to lose weight and tone those muscles. So here we go. I'm excited, scared, intimidated, tired and in PAIN!!!! But at the very same time I am hopeful. I am hopeful that in a couple of weeks I will have stretched these muscles enough that I feel good. My energy level will be higher and I will look forward to seeing new results every day. Because of all this I got to thinking about spiritual pain. How is it that doing what's right doesn't always "feel good". Making certain decisions often causes a temporary pain. I have many friends who are afraid of doing what they "know" God has told them to do because it's going to make life uncomfortable for awhile. Giving up something that God has told you to let go of is many times difficult. Doing something that He has asked of you can be a huge step of faith. It can be scary and challenging. But just like working out for the first time in a long time you will hurt for only a short time. I could very easily quit today and not go back to the gym tomorrow. But 10 years down the road when I look in the mirror and see my grandmothers thighs or the Dr. tells me I need Blood Pressure meds I will have to endure this season of pain again. If I will just do it now, I can reach my goals sooner. What has God asked of you? If you don't answer Him right NOW do you think you will come to this same fork in the road next year? It's gonna hurt but do you want it to hurt now or later? If you answer "Now," then God's best is closer than you think. You have a choice. Just like my trainer George might say,"If it doesn't hurt you are not doing it right." No one ever said living for God was easy but I will tell you that I would live my life for no other.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
I shared Monday night how Ty and I are encouraging one another. Instead of allowing ones negativity to pull the other down we are choosing to lift the other one up. Don't let someone pull you down. Tie onto the Rock in which you stand upon and pull the other one out of the pit. It is so important to have someone in your life that you can express your weaknesses. When you have an accountability partner, you have a helper. Someone you can trust to be honest with you and someone who can encourage you. It is too difficult to walk this journey of life all alone. I challenge you this week to find a friend or talk to your spouse about holding your feet to the fire. We have to be willing to look in the mirror and see what doesn't reflect Christ. Then be willing to turn it around. And when you don't see things clearly your friend will. Let's become more Christ-like every day that we live.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Prayers That Avail Much
Why are you cast down, O my inner self? And why should you moan over me and be disquieted within me?
Father, You set Yourself against the proud and haughty, but You give grace continually unto the humble. I submit myself therefore to You, God. In the name of Jesus, I resist the devil, and he will flee from me. I resist the cares of the world, which try to pressure me daily. Except the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.
Jesus, I come to You, for I labor and am heavy laden and overburdened, and You cause me to rest -- You will ease and relieve and refresh my soul.
I take Your yoke upon me and I learn of You; for You are gentle and humble in heart, and I will find rest -- relief, ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet -- for my soul. For Your yoke is wholesome (easy) -- not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing, but comfortable, gracious, and pleasant; and Your burden is light and easy to be borne.
I cast my burden on You, Lord, releasing the weight of it and You will sustain me; I thank You that You will never allow me, the consistently righteous, to be moved -- made to slip, fall or fail.
In the name of Jesus, I withstand the devil. I am firm in my faith -- rooted, established, strong, immovable, and determined. I cease from the weariness and pain of human labor; and I am zealous and exert myself and strive diligently to enter into the rest of God -- to know and experience it for myself.
Father, I thank You that Your presence goes with me and that You give me rest. I am still and rest in You, Lord; I wait for You and patiently stay myself upon You. I will not fret myself, nor shall I let my heart be troubled, neither shall I let it be afraid. I hope in You, God, and wait expectantly for You; for I shall yet praise You, for You are the Help of my countenance and my God.
In Jesus' name, amen.
Father, You set Yourself against the proud and haughty, but You give grace continually unto the humble. I submit myself therefore to You, God. In the name of Jesus, I resist the devil, and he will flee from me. I resist the cares of the world, which try to pressure me daily. Except the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.
Jesus, I come to You, for I labor and am heavy laden and overburdened, and You cause me to rest -- You will ease and relieve and refresh my soul.
I take Your yoke upon me and I learn of You; for You are gentle and humble in heart, and I will find rest -- relief, ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet -- for my soul. For Your yoke is wholesome (easy) -- not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing, but comfortable, gracious, and pleasant; and Your burden is light and easy to be borne.
I cast my burden on You, Lord, releasing the weight of it and You will sustain me; I thank You that You will never allow me, the consistently righteous, to be moved -- made to slip, fall or fail.
In the name of Jesus, I withstand the devil. I am firm in my faith -- rooted, established, strong, immovable, and determined. I cease from the weariness and pain of human labor; and I am zealous and exert myself and strive diligently to enter into the rest of God -- to know and experience it for myself.
Father, I thank You that Your presence goes with me and that You give me rest. I am still and rest in You, Lord; I wait for You and patiently stay myself upon You. I will not fret myself, nor shall I let my heart be troubled, neither shall I let it be afraid. I hope in You, God, and wait expectantly for You; for I shall yet praise You, for You are the Help of my countenance and my God.
In Jesus' name, amen.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Question Time!
Okay, I have a question for everyone. Does God favor one man over another? Are His plans greater for me than for you?
I would love to hear what you are thinking. To comment, go to the bottom of this entry and the word comment is written in brown. Click your mouse on that word. Write an answer to the question in the comment box. Then where it says "Comment As:", select Anonymous. You can put your name in the comment box before or after your comment if you wish. Then click the post button.
So many of us are so busy that attending one more thing would be very difficult. I would give anything to meet weekly for a bible study but I haven't a clue where to fit it in. So I would love to use this blog to grow and learn. Please join us in this discussion time.
I would love to hear what you are thinking. To comment, go to the bottom of this entry and the word comment is written in brown. Click your mouse on that word. Write an answer to the question in the comment box. Then where it says "Comment As:", select Anonymous. You can put your name in the comment box before or after your comment if you wish. Then click the post button.
So many of us are so busy that attending one more thing would be very difficult. I would give anything to meet weekly for a bible study but I haven't a clue where to fit it in. So I would love to use this blog to grow and learn. Please join us in this discussion time.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Give it a Bit
It is amazing how our daily lives are full of God's fingerprints and we don't even know it. I had a moment of walking in the FOG (Favor of God) this weekend. I went to Albuquerque with my girlfriends Monicque and Jackie and we had a wonderful time. On Saturday night we did a little shopping in Uptown before our dinner reservations. I was looking for a dress for a certain couples wedding in December and a cocktail dress for the cruise Ty and I are taking in January. I had found 2 dresses and I had them held back while I weighed out the purchase during dinner. Both dresses were a bit pricey but on sale. If you know me very well, you know that i often have buyers remorse. I don't like to spend money on clothes but both of these events are special and I needed something new. One of the dresses was $139.99 on sale for $59.99. But for some reason I thought it was $39.99. All during dinner I was thinking that I would be spending around $140.00 for both dresses. "Okay, I can do this." After dinner, we headed back to the store to make the purchase. I decided to try the dresses on one more time. While in the dressing room, I noticed the tag said $59.99. The dilema had begun. Do I buy both dresses or just choose one? Now you may think $20.00 is not that big of a deal but again you have to know me. On one occassion I drove 5 miles back to a store when I noticed that I was charged $2.99 for Capri-suns that were on sale for $2.00. To me a dollar matters. Back at the dress shop the sales woman overheard my confusion about the price and she said she would check the other dresses and see if one of them was $39.99. Sometimes the exact same piece of clothing can have two different prices. My entourage of friends began to pray. "Lord, let her find the dress to have been mispriced. Let her say it is actually $39.99." Well, she came back and informed us that it was $59.99. Disappointed but certain these dresses should be mine, I walked up to the counter and said I would be purchasing both dresses despite the price. While checking out, the manager walked up and quietly said to the woman at the register that she was to give me an extra 20% off. My jaw hit the ground. I walked out of there with two beautiful dresses for $119.00 that origianlly cost $318.00. We were all giddy. My friends even celebrated as if it had happened to them personally. I could not believe it.
Why couldn't I believe it? Today I was driving through Hobbs thinking about this blessing. It occurred to me that even in the little things God shows us He cares. I also realized that when we pray the answer doesn't always come how we expect it to. I wanted the dress to be $39.99 but it wasn't. God answered my prayer His way. He gave back my $20.00 by lowering the price of both dresses not just one. What are you praying for, big or small? Do you think God has said,"No" or are you wondering if He is even listening? Be patient and give it a bit. God cares about you and He wants the best for you. Your answers will come they may just be in a different form than you had expected.
Why couldn't I believe it? Today I was driving through Hobbs thinking about this blessing. It occurred to me that even in the little things God shows us He cares. I also realized that when we pray the answer doesn't always come how we expect it to. I wanted the dress to be $39.99 but it wasn't. God answered my prayer His way. He gave back my $20.00 by lowering the price of both dresses not just one. What are you praying for, big or small? Do you think God has said,"No" or are you wondering if He is even listening? Be patient and give it a bit. God cares about you and He wants the best for you. Your answers will come they may just be in a different form than you had expected.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Sunday School Lesson
This week I got to thinking about the Armor of God. How many Sunday school lessons have you heard on this topic? But in my meditating on it I realized that we have heard it but we don't follow it. We fight battles everyday in this world we live in and many of us feel defeated. We have been given everything we need to do battle with the enemy. We have the helmet of salvation, the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of peace, the shield of faith and the sword of the spirit. We have been given all that we need to be victorious. The problem is that we must choose to put on the armor. God doesn't dress us every morning. We have to make the decision to step into these garments.
I envision a knight preparing for battle. He is in his chambers dressing and securely fastening every piece of armor for his safety. How crazy would it be for him to walk on the battlefield and leave his sword? He would spend the entire battle as a moving target. He is protected from the blows but he can never be on the offense. A team never wins just playing good defense. They must have the ability to score as well. I feel like the knight without his sword many times in my own personal walk. I am attacked by the arrows that fly my way. I am confident of my salvation (helmet) and I know the truth (belt). I am a child of the King and He is bigger than any problem I have (shield). Therefore I am walking in my shoes of peace. I also know that I am in right standing with my God (breastplate). He is not angry with me and I am not facing this trial because He is trying to punish me. These things I know and they protect me. BUT what if I could fight back. So many times we think that the Word of God is just a book that is hard to read. I agree that It can be difficult to understand but so was my geometry book. My math teachers still found it important that I read it and learn from it. We can not put more importance on worldly education than we do on Godly Wisdom. The Bible is our weapon. The scriptures say in Ephesians 6:12 "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the power of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." We must turn to the Word of God in order to win the battle. I don't want to just fight, I want to WIN!!!
So this is my advice to you. Find some scriptures that will encourage you. Find scriptures that pertain to what you are dealing with right now. Write them down and put them where you can see them. Put a copy in your car and on your mirror in the bathroom. Put them on your refrigerator and on your nightstand. Fight the enemy with the Words of God himself. Hebrews 4:12 says, "For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow."
Here are a few to start you off:
Ps. 23 The Lord is my shepherd. I do not want
Phil. 4:19 My God supplies all my need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus
Phil. 4:6, 1 Pet. 5:6,7 I do not fret or have anxiety about anything. I do not have a care.
1 Cor. 2:16 I have the mind of Christ and hold the thoughts, feelings and purposes of His heart.
2 Tim 1:7 I fear not for God has given me a spirit of power, of love and of a sound mind.
Phil. 1:6 He who began a good work in me will continue until the day of Christ.
1 Jn 4:4 Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world.
Phil. 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Rom. 8:28 All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.
Ps. 119:11 I will hide your Word in my heart that I might not sin against God.
Jer. 29:11 I know the plans I have for you says the Lord; plans for good and not evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Children of God, take up your sword and FIGHT!
I envision a knight preparing for battle. He is in his chambers dressing and securely fastening every piece of armor for his safety. How crazy would it be for him to walk on the battlefield and leave his sword? He would spend the entire battle as a moving target. He is protected from the blows but he can never be on the offense. A team never wins just playing good defense. They must have the ability to score as well. I feel like the knight without his sword many times in my own personal walk. I am attacked by the arrows that fly my way. I am confident of my salvation (helmet) and I know the truth (belt). I am a child of the King and He is bigger than any problem I have (shield). Therefore I am walking in my shoes of peace. I also know that I am in right standing with my God (breastplate). He is not angry with me and I am not facing this trial because He is trying to punish me. These things I know and they protect me. BUT what if I could fight back. So many times we think that the Word of God is just a book that is hard to read. I agree that It can be difficult to understand but so was my geometry book. My math teachers still found it important that I read it and learn from it. We can not put more importance on worldly education than we do on Godly Wisdom. The Bible is our weapon. The scriptures say in Ephesians 6:12 "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the power of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." We must turn to the Word of God in order to win the battle. I don't want to just fight, I want to WIN!!!
So this is my advice to you. Find some scriptures that will encourage you. Find scriptures that pertain to what you are dealing with right now. Write them down and put them where you can see them. Put a copy in your car and on your mirror in the bathroom. Put them on your refrigerator and on your nightstand. Fight the enemy with the Words of God himself. Hebrews 4:12 says, "For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow."
Here are a few to start you off:
Ps. 23 The Lord is my shepherd. I do not want
Phil. 4:19 My God supplies all my need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus
Phil. 4:6, 1 Pet. 5:6,7 I do not fret or have anxiety about anything. I do not have a care.
1 Cor. 2:16 I have the mind of Christ and hold the thoughts, feelings and purposes of His heart.
2 Tim 1:7 I fear not for God has given me a spirit of power, of love and of a sound mind.
Phil. 1:6 He who began a good work in me will continue until the day of Christ.
1 Jn 4:4 Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world.
Phil. 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Rom. 8:28 All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.
Ps. 119:11 I will hide your Word in my heart that I might not sin against God.
Jer. 29:11 I know the plans I have for you says the Lord; plans for good and not evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Children of God, take up your sword and FIGHT!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Watered Down Gospel!
Most of you know that I love to read. Right now I am ending a Christian fiction series. I'm on the last book and it is as amazing as the first two. This series has opened my eyes to the words of the Bible. The stories and teachings have come alive. The author, Francine Rivers, has definitely studied her history before compiling her words on paper. Today during my time of reading something struck me and convicted me. The characters in the book were just arriving in the city of Corinth. Their boat had just come into port and they were discussing where to go and what to do. In their conversation, they began discussing the church of Corinth. They were carrying letters from John to the church and they needed to visit the members to make the delivery. They were talking about how the members of the church of Corinth had walked away from the purity of Christ's message. They had watered the gospel down so that they could live in their own sin. They had taken the love of Christ and his forgiveness to the point of discounting sin all together. They could live and do as they pleased because God was Grace. They had even stopped reading the letters of Paul because it made them feel "uneasy." I was so saddened. Isn't this what we often do? If we are walking in a lifestyle unpleasing to God, we run from hearing Truth. This is definitely not always the case but 9 times out of 10 when a regular church attender stops attending, I soon learn of their walk into sin. Sin didn't come because they left church, they left the church because of their sin. Scripture speaks of the written Word as the "perfect law of liberty." We must be doers of the Word and not just hearers. Here is that scripture. It is found in James 1:21-27.
21 Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.
22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. 23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; 24 for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. 25 But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.
26 If anyone among you[b] thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless. 27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
I pray that I never water down God's Word for my own fleshly desires. I want to live by God's standard and not move His standard to meet what I want. Because in all reality it is truly unmovable. If you find yourself running from hearing God's Word, you are probably not doing His Word either. Allow the Holy Spirit to speak. Listen and then Obey. You are never too far to come back to God. God is forgiving, He is Grace, He is Mercy and He is Love. God is also jealous and He does not want to share you with the world. The church of Corinth was on the road to destruction. So many followers of Christ were trying to warn them to turn back. Don't be like them and turn a deaf ear to the people God has put in your life. I love you and I am always here if you need me.
21 Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.
22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. 23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; 24 for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. 25 But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.
26 If anyone among you[b] thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless. 27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
I pray that I never water down God's Word for my own fleshly desires. I want to live by God's standard and not move His standard to meet what I want. Because in all reality it is truly unmovable. If you find yourself running from hearing God's Word, you are probably not doing His Word either. Allow the Holy Spirit to speak. Listen and then Obey. You are never too far to come back to God. God is forgiving, He is Grace, He is Mercy and He is Love. God is also jealous and He does not want to share you with the world. The church of Corinth was on the road to destruction. So many followers of Christ were trying to warn them to turn back. Don't be like them and turn a deaf ear to the people God has put in your life. I love you and I am always here if you need me.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Greatest Cornbread Ever!
Okay it is time for another recipe. This is my family's favorite corn bread by far. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do. I served it the other night with pinto beans and Zataran's Dirty Brown Rice with sausage in it. Fresh tomatoes on the side made it one of Ty's all time favorite meals.
Buttery Corn Bread
2/3 c. butter, softened
1 c. sugar
3 eggs
1 2/3 c. milk
2 1/3 c. all purpose flour
1 c. cornmeal
4 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
In a mixing bowl, cream butter and sugar. Combine the eggs and milk in one bowl. In another bowl combine flour, cornmeal, baking powder and salt; add to creamed mixture alternately with egg mixture.
Pour into a greased 13'' x 9'' x 2" baking pan. Bake at 400 degrees F for 22-27 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Cut into squares and serve warm with more butter. Yummy!!!
Let me know what you think and what you served it with. Love you all!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Button Soup
Last night Brady brought me a book and asked me to read to him before bed. He has always been a lover of books. The book he gave me was "Button Soup." If you have never read it, I highly suggest that you do. It had been a while since we had read this particular book and it hit me like a ton of bricks. Here goes a little synopsis of the story. One day a little girl and her grandfather were walking out of the grocery store carrying two large bags overflowing with food. A homeless woman named Rag-Tag Meg was walking by and asked them if they had anything because she was hungry. The grandfather said,"No," and they walked away. The little girl was so sad because she knew they had something and this woman had nothing. A bit later the little girl was looking out her window and she saw Rag-Tag Meg walking down the street. She excused herself and ran outside to catch up with Meg. Just moments after they began walking Meg hollered out with excitement as she reached down to pick up an old button. It was as if she had discovered a piece of gold. They found a rusty pot in a junk pile and immediately went to work building a fire and adding water to the pot. The little girl was confused but she was having fun. All of the sudden the homeless woman began singing aloud that they were making button soup. She invited everyone who was hungry to come and partake. People around them laughed and sneered at her. All they could see was a boiling pot of water and an old wooden button. The little girl defended her as best as she could but the laughing continued. Now Button Soup was a crazy idea but the little girl said parsley and dill would sure go good in this soup. Another child overheard this and said, "I've got those herbs." And she ran home and returned with a handful of beautiful greens. They added them to the pot and the bubbling and aroma began. One by one, passerbyers brought something to the pot. One boy brought some onions, one a carrot and a store owner offered some dumplings. Before long the smell from this amazing soup was drawing a crowd. The little girl remembered the chicken her and her grandfather had bought earlier in the day. She raced home grabbing the chicken and her grandfather and then back to the soup they went. The final ingredient was added before the soup was complete. The store owner that brought the noodles came back with bowls and a ladle. Rag-Tag Meg served everyone including the ones who had laughed at her. It was a feast that even allowed for seconds and thirds. When they got down to the last bit of soup, Meg retrieved the wooden button at the bottom of the pot. She kissed it and threw it high up in the air. The little girl picked it up as soon as it landed and kept it for herself. She never forgot that amazing day or the amazing woman who took a wooden button and turned nothing into something.
Okay so what does it mean. In a nutshell here is my opinion. 1- Your something can make someones nothing something. Think about that. What you have can allow someone with nothing to have something. 2- If you have nothing, don't give up. Remain positive and work with what is in front of you. 3- Don't discourage someone with a "crazy" dream. Be an encourager because with God all things are possible. 4- If Pastor Ty has said it once, he has said it a million times. If everyone does a little, no one has to do a lot. 5- When we work together we can always do more. That day Meg didn't just eat a bowl of soup but she even had thirds. Those around her had seconds. 6- There may come a day that you are asked to serve those who don't deserve it. Will you be willing? Meg was.
My advice for today is to keep your eyes open. What is right before you? Who needs you? When we walk with our eyes open, an old wooden button can be more valuable than gold.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Down to the Basics
Are you ready to talk about a sensitive subject? And why is it so sensitive? Why can we talk about our sinful nature without anger bubbling up but talk about my money and look out? We can give God our life but don't ask me to give my finances. I was sitting on the bathroom counter doing my hair when Ty walked in and asked me a very interesting question. "Which one would you choose?,"he said. "Would you want an individual to write a million dollar check to Cowboy Junction or would you want a church full of givers?" I'll give my answer in a minute. Our vision for CJC requires money and there is no way around that. We are only $23,000.00 from paying off the loan on the church property and the people have been amazing. They see a need and they are quick to fill it. But a building project should not be why we give. I could place a list of needs before you. Every week there are utilities to pay. The need for a children's facility is huge. But the best children's facility without a Children's Pastor is pointless. We have gone 11 years without a youth building but without Cigi we wouldn't have a Youth Group. Our giving should not be out of need but a heart to give back to God what is His to begin with. There is no lack of vision at our church. We are confident that God has great plans for His people. And our desire is that He use us in any way He desires. We always hope to be growing and building. That is a true sign of life.
So my answer to Ty's question was a church full of givers. You ask me why? Man, a million dollars would be instant and could get us what we need NOW. Have you ever heard the saying,"Give a man a fish and feed him for a day but teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime?" A one time gift makes a difference today but what will make a difference tomorrow? If you have a church full of givers, there is no need for a building program. Givers not only give of their money but of their time. Givers serve and volunteer. Givers have a vision for souls. Our goal at CJC is not to build buildings or make a name for ourselves. Our desire is for people to grow in their understanding of God's truth, His love and His grace. If we have all the facilities we could ever imagine but no one understands why, we have achieved nothing. What we have personally is not our own. What we have corporately is not our own. It is all God's. He has just asked us to be stewards of His money. Ten percent is all He asks that we give back to His Kingdom. We give to see lives change. Don't give out of need. Give because God says you should. Give because you know what God can do with what you have, big or small. If you read this blog and have said to yourself, "I'm not a tither but I want to be." Allow the Lord to speak to your heart. I promise He will. I love you all.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Camp Crossfire
I know this is going to sound prejudice but I am confident that Camp Crossfire is the greatest youth camp around. If your kids are old enough, you should not hesitate to send them next year. Each year I watch God pull walls down in only a way that He can. Not only do the campers lives change but so do the counselors. Lots of hard work, money and time but everyone agrees that it is sooooo worth it. Our kids are our future. I encourage all of you to invest something into the young people of today. If you help make a difference in their lives, it will change our future. It will change your grand-children's future. Make an investment because the return is beyond anything you could imagine.
God has called us to serve. When we serve, we find Him. Please don't sit at the table and just eat. Get up and offer to fill someones glass. There is no better way to live. The phrase, " It is better to give than to receive," is not just a cliche, it is TRUTH! Give your time, give your money, give your friendship, give your love and ultimately give your life. Jesus did it for you!
Friday, July 23, 2010
God's Plans
Today in my bible reading time, I read the short book of Jonah. I noticed something that I had never noticed before. The word "arranged" was used 3 times. God "arranged" for a great fish to swallow Jonah up. He "arranged" for a leafy plant to grow and provide shade for Jonah. He also "arranged" for a worm to eat the plant. Arrange means: To put into a specific order, to plan or prepare for. The three arrangements that God made were after Jonah had disobeyed God. Isn't it comforting to know that even when we are walking in the wrong direction, God still has a plan for our life. He is making arrangements on our behalf. I love the scripture in Proverbs, "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." We have all sorts of plans for our life but it is God who makes the way. I want to encourage you to let God lead you. Notice that He is providing for you in every area of your life. He cares about your present and you future. He has forgotten your past. If you are on the wrong road, STOP MOVING! This blog was "arranged" by a loving Father who is using His daughter. It is like a spiritual U-Turn sign on the road you are traveling. It is never too late to turn back. If God is asking something of you, DO IT! Don't wait because God's plan is so much better than your own. I promise!! Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future." I love you all and I believe you have a bright future ahead of you.
Friday, July 16, 2010
All Hail...
Have you ever heard of the hymn, "All Hail King Jesus?" I remember learning this song from my grandmother when I was a little girl. We visited my grandparents in Louisiana every few months for 8 years. My grandparents taught me lots of scripture and old-time hymns. I made a little money when I was able to recite what I had memorized. They were proud of their little granddaughter for knowing God's Word and I was proud of the wad of money stuffed in my pocket. This certain hymn has come to my mind in recent days. Due to an overwhelming amount of frustrations, I turned to Ty and said, "All Hell is breaking loose." In the last week, we have noticed that the pumpkins are not growing. The 6" of rain has smothered the seeds. Out of 2,000 seeds planted, approx. 300 have survived. Not worthy of a community wide Fall Festival. Which happens to be our biggest outreach. The John Deere tractor broke while mowing the church grounds. The hotel facade of the old west town blew over during the lightening storm Wednesday night. Our well has been tested by the water department and things are not going as we had hoped. All in one week we felt like so many things had fallen on top of us. It didn't stop there but I will spare you the drama. It has been tough to say the least. Ty and I found ourselves sitting in our walk-in closet floor broken. What do we do? Where do we start? Have you ever felt that way? Sometimes it pours during a rain storm. But right in the middle of our sadness the Lord speaks to my heart another scripture. Isaiah 43:2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
It is only when we go through the fire do we become like pure gold. Whatever you and I go through, God will be there. He will not let go of His children. I am comforted by these words. I don't understand why things happen the way that they do but I am confident in this; My God is in control. I am trusting in Him and believing that He will make my path straight. Don't give up because of circumstances but keep going because you know God has a plan and He has not finished what He started. So instead of All Hell let your words be All Hail!
"All Hail King Jesus, All Hail Immanuel. King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Bright Morning Star. And throughout Eternity I'm going to praise Him. And forevermore I will reign with Him."
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Ladies Retreat
What a wonderful weekend the ladies had in Ruidoso. We built lots of new relationships as well as re-established old ones. We relaxed, laughed and ATE. And boy did we eat. You know that food is important when you take as many pictures of the food as you take of the people eating it. I think these types of get-a-ways are so important for women and men alike. It is necessary for us to let our hair down and refresh. It is fun to act like a silly school girl again. This weekend we talked about seeing our self as God sees us. Not letting the mirror or anothers view of us dictate how we feel about ourselves. We talked about overcoming insecurities and believing that God has a purpose for our lives. It doesn't matter your race, age, sex or social status, God has a plan for your life. If you are breathing, the best is yet to come. Ladies, I pray you will join us next year for our retreat to the mountains. Men, let Ty know that you are ready for a get a way. You deserve it as much as we do.
Here are a couple of recipes from the trip. More to come in the near future. I know you all want the gingerbread cookie recipe. So as soon as I get it I will post. Love you all!
Chicken Salad
1 bag of frozen boneless chicken tenders boiled and shredded
1/2 purple onion diced
2 small apples diced
1/4 c. dill relish or a bit more if you desire
1 c. of pecan pieces
start with 1/2 c of real mayo and continue to add until desired wetness
salt and pepper to taste
(I sometimes add dried cranberries or diced dried apricots)
Strawberry Salad
2 bags of salad (I prefer spring mix or European)
1/2 pint of sliced strawberries
1 container of feta cheese crumbles
1/2 bottle of Brianna's blush wine dressing. It has a large strawberry on the front.
(I added blueberry's the last time I made it)
More recipes to come!
Here are a couple of recipes from the trip. More to come in the near future. I know you all want the gingerbread cookie recipe. So as soon as I get it I will post. Love you all!
Chicken Salad
1 bag of frozen boneless chicken tenders boiled and shredded
1/2 purple onion diced
2 small apples diced
1/4 c. dill relish or a bit more if you desire
1 c. of pecan pieces
start with 1/2 c of real mayo and continue to add until desired wetness
salt and pepper to taste
(I sometimes add dried cranberries or diced dried apricots)
Strawberry Salad
2 bags of salad (I prefer spring mix or European)
1/2 pint of sliced strawberries
1 container of feta cheese crumbles
1/2 bottle of Brianna's blush wine dressing. It has a large strawberry on the front.
(I added blueberry's the last time I made it)
More recipes to come!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
A Lot Can Happen!
I always complain that my boys don't ever let me sleep late. I am a night owl and no matter how early I know I will wake up, I can't make myself go to bed early. This morning my eyes popped open and I just knew it had to be 9:00. "What, Brady and Hud are still asleep?" Then I turned to look at the clock. It was 7:00 a.m. Now many of you may say, "That is sleeping in for me." I agree unless you go to bed at 1:00 a.m. I require a bit more sleep than that. So the house was quiet and I laid in my bed thinking. I started off thinking of this Ladies Retreat that is coming up on Thursday. I am so excited and I am trying to finalize the last few details. My thoughts began to take me back in time. Memories flooded my mind and a sense of pride filled my heart. We have come so far. Ty and I beat ourselves up so often. "Are we achieving our goals? Are we making a difference?" And then it came to me in waves. In June of 2003, CJC purchased this land and facilities from Connie Crow. We started here with a tin building, a house and horse stalls. In seven years our facilities have for the most part remained the same. We still meet in the same tin building but beautifully remodeled. There is still a beautiful house on the property but we have made it a home. And the horse stalls remain but they are no longer empty. The only structures we have added is the old west town, the brick entrance way and the fence. Ty and our secretary were the only ones on payroll. Ty has prayed fervently for a staff and volunteers. He continues to pray for this today. I INTERRUPT THIS BLOG FOR AN ANNOUNCEMENT...... This blog could be one of my longest so I decided to make a list instead of writing in book form. So here it goes.
Here is what happened in ONLY seven years:
*We have met in our building over 500 times for services.
*We added a Sunday service
*We hired a youth pastor, a children's pastor and worship leaders
*We have seen hundreds of people accept Christ as their Savior
*We started a school for our community-Crill
*We have a ministry called Blessings that works with children with special needs-Corrina
*We have given thousands of dollars to Missions
*We have given thousands of dollars to the Gideons
*We help with community outreach
*We put on a summer youth camp-Cigi and Clay
*We grow a couple thousand pumpkins for a few thousand people at an event called Fall Fest
*We put on other big days (New years' dance, 4th of July Celebration, and Super Bowl parties)-Starla
*We have an amazing women's ministry that has been on 4 retreats. We had 75 women attend the Christmas Progressive dinner last year
*We have brought our men together for softball, bow shoots, ropings and more
*We started ministries like Home groups and Parent's Night Out
*We have fed those who were sick or just had a baby
* We started a prayer ministry- Marie
*We are $24,000 away from canceling a $300,000 debt in ONLY 7 years
*We have had hundreds volunteer their time
*We have paid every bill on time and never missed a payroll check
I say "We" but I should really say "He". Look what God has done in just 7 years. And most of what I listed has happened in the last 3 years. If He can do this in 7, what can He do in 7 more. With God, we have laid a solid foundation to build upon. There are more souls to win, more ministries to begin and more lives to be touched. No matter where you are in your own life it is only a matter of time. So much can change in a moment. We haven't achieved all of our dreams but what a great start. Keep your eyes on Jesus and you won't believe what all He can do with just a little. Don't give up. Hold on to what God has promised you. Focus on what has been done and not what hasn't. I believe in each of you and I am excited to see what OUR futures hold.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
The View From My Seat!
What a great weekend! The presence of the Lord was surely at Cowboy Junction. The nice cloud coverage sure helped with the struggling A/C. Praise God the new one is on the way. I have said this many times but I must say it again, "My husband ROCKS." This weeks message was incredible. I love it when he takes a scripture that I have read so many times and shows me a new way to look at it. We talked about offense. Having thick skin but not a hard heart. If our prayers don't seem to be answered at this time, press on. Keep believing that the answer is on the way. When someone hurts us, don't let it affect our life or push us away from where God has us. He used the illustration of a sander. Some things in my life rub me the wrong way. But if I can keep my EMOTIONS in check I am that much closer to the final product. There is a smoothness that develops when we allow God to walk us through tough times. God never said we won't have difficult times. He never said that people won't agitate us and even disappoint us. But He did say that He would never give us more than we can handle. Our goal in this life is to be Christ like. Every day I want the splintered edges of my life to be sanded down. I am confident that it doesn't feel good but I am also confident that God is with me. He will never leave me or forsake me. I have to admit, I am an emotional person. One little thing can send me over the edge. This is not God's best for my life. I have to slow down and breathe. I'm sure many of you feel the same way. Let the anointing (the oil) of God cover you. When storms come your way, the water will roll right off. Matthew 15 was an eye opening chapter. I believe the Lord was showing us to push past the pain and confusion. Don't let anyone or anything keep you from the goodness that God has for you.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Missing You!
Have you missed me? I know I have missed you guys. Our family is back from Disney World and finally recovering from a tiresome trip. I have to be honest that it was nice to not have computer access for a week. Although our Disney resort offered Internet access in our rooms, it ONLY cost $9.95 for 24 hours. I tell you they get you every chance they get. But for 6 days I remained absent from cyber world. Most vacations are never long enough. This one was plenty long enough. We were exhausted and so ready to be back in our home. But it was amazing to see how much my children grew up in such a short period of time. We left the trip with Brady having some fear of the water and Hud was terribly afraid. By the middle of the trip, Brady had no fear and Hud had only a little. Brady rode every ride he could with hands in the air. He may have had his eyes closed but he rode it none the less. I was a proud momma in Orlando Florida. But now we are home and I am so thrilled. It is nice to know that you can leave on vacation and there are people in your life that keep the ball rolling. We heard that church service was amazing last weekend. Cigi brought a powerful Word and Lesley led everyone in amazing Worship. LaJeana continues to rock it in Kid's Church. Crill took care of our mail and Trey mowed and watered everything. Sadie took care of the office and Clay fed our calves. Shane flew solo coaching the 6 and under baseball team and Mike Clampitt coached CJC softball team for Ty. It is a simple reminder that we could not do what we do without each and every one of you. I want to say thank you to everyone who made our family trip possible. We missed you all and we look forward to the exciting things to come in July.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Time Out #2
What an amazing weekend we just had with Coffey Anderson. He was such a gifted artist and through his ministry 29 people received Christ this weekend. It is amazing to see what God did in just 4 days. When the people of God unite in one accord, the possibilities are endless. Like most of you already know, JCA raised $20,000.00 plus lots of private donations. The church has brought in over $15,000.00 from Wed. to Sun. We had been at a stand still with 42 bricks for 2 months. And after one hour of prayer as a corporate body, we now owe$27,000.00. Our entire property will be debt free in only a matter of time. It is amazing to see how fast God can make a way where there seems to be no way.
So I say all this to say "Adios"! The Bean Family is headed out of town this morning. We are taking a much needed family vacation. We are starting off in Albuquerque today and then headed to Disney World on Sunday. I am so excited to get away for a few days but I am even more excited to hear what great things happen while we are gone. I have an excitement in my spirit that there is more to come. I know that CJC staff is going to glorify God in everything they do while we are away. If all these miracles happened in just 4 days, imagine what He can do in another week. I see rain clouds forming and I am more than ready to get drenched. Keep your eyes on Him and remember the words of Pastor Ty, "Finish the last thing God told you to do until He gives you a new instruction." That is walking in your Father's will.
Love you all!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Time Out Update
Oh my goodness! Wednesday night was incredible. It was something I have wanted and needed for a long time. There were 87+ people that came together at CJC and prayed. I know there were some who had never done anything like this before. I pray that it blessed you as much as it did me. It was inspiring, moving and powerful. We prayed about our personal Christian walks, our church vision, and JD Brown our CJC missionary. We lifted up every child attending JCA in the fall and every youth attending camp in July. For one hour we strategically prayed for God to move in every area of our lives.
So why did we do this? Ty spoke a message last week about walking in the natural. There is only so much you can do in the natural before you must have the supernatural take over. There are so many things we are believing God for at CJC. We have come to a place that we believe we have done all we know to do. Before we can move forward, God is going to have to make a way. Our church is growing in every area. We need a school building and a facility for our children's church. We don't ever want to just make things happen. Ty and I desire to only move when there is peace. Peace comes only from our heavenly Father. We corporately stood together on Wednesday and declared that we are united. We will not be moved by need or feelings. We will only take a step as God directs. We want to hear from Him. We want to honor and glorify Him in every way. Prayer changes things and it prepares us for what is to come.
During this special night of prayer, I thought about my own personal prayer life. I need to take a timeout on a regular basis. I think we all do. There comes a time that we hit a brick wall. We just seem to be going through the motions of life. When we are willing to take a timeout and refocus our priorities, we put power back in our steps. My desire is to constantly be refreshed. I want the fire inside of me to be fanned. I want to see great things happen in my life. I want to see great things happen in your life. One of my favorite mottos is, "Do what you can do and let God do what you can't." "God, use me in any way you desire. Make a way where there seems to be no way. Bring the super to my natural. Together I know we can see the impossible become possible."
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Part Of A Family
I have so many thoughts to blog on that sometimes I don't know if I should journal a thought and keep it private or share it. So today I hope I have made the right decision. Ty and I are going on 10 years that we have been the Pastors of CJC. He had almost two years on me before we married. Before marrying Ty, I was very involved with Christian Center Church. My grandfather started this church in the early 70's and I never knew anything different. So needless to say, attending church has always been a part of my life. I have definitely had moments of frustration, sadness and anger (don't tell anyone). But for the most part I have had many wonderful times working in and with the institutional church. I can't imagine my life without the weekly fellowship I have grown to love. To me church is an avenue to grow, fellowship and serve. There is one thing that has always bugged me. And I would love your thoughts as well. Most people attend their local church to grow in the Word, to say they attended church and to occasionally fellowship with a few close friends. My concern is that many times servanthood is not important to the believer. We get into the mind set that church is here to serve me, to feed me, and to bless me. I am a firm believer that once you receive Christ as your Savior you will begin to grow through serving. I have never wanted to be a part of a local Country Club. I see CJC as a Covert Operation Station. We come together, hear the Word of God, pray, worship and then serve others. I want others to know what I know. If they don't know Christ, I want to help them find Him. The church is a family. They are my family. If you have ever attended church and you never felt a fit, I challenge you to take a step and get involved. Don't show up on a Sunday morning and leave without being noticed. Talk to someone, volunteer your time, share a kind word to someone hurting, pray with someone. Let God use you and be a part of a bigger family. The only benefit I find in having so many churches in one town is that everyone can find someplace to belong. You fit somewhere and you are called to minister to someone. Serve and see your walk grow.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Guest Blogger- La'Jeana Stroh
Luke 6:38
Pressed Down, Shaken Together, and Running Over
First of all I would like to say thank you to Heather for allowing me to post on her blog. I am honored. Today I am sharing a testimony that I hope will be a reminder of the God that we serve. A God that is good and does great things for His people.
Shane and I have taken over the Junction City Kids Church pastor position. This was a giant step for us but it has been a step that was God ordained and I see His fingerprints all over our lives. Not because of who we are but because of who He is through us. It is amazing to see the children at Cowboy Junction learning and growing. If you have children who attend our kids church then please let me take this time to say... Your kids ROCK!! Ok back to the subject!
We had seen a need arise for a keyboard in kids church. Some of the songs that we sing are too fast or just lack the interaction of person with child. I play the keyboard and the wheels began to turn... I NEEDED a keyboard. So like I usually do I tried to make it happen. I talked to Shane and ask him if we could personally purchase a keyboard to use in kids church. Of course he said yes. I found the keyboard I wanted. A Yamaha keyboard with all the bells and whistles.. full size piano keys.. and a new touch sensor that makes it more like a piano than ever! It was awesome. I pushed the add to shopping cart... What comes next you may recognize, " Internet Explorer has encountered a problem" and my entire computer shut down!
For a few more days I wrestled with this purchase. By the way this is not like me, once I get the Ok from Shane I am typically off and running with any purchase! :)
That night I was at Clay's "my son's" baseball game when I got a call from Dimitra. She is the guitarist from the worship team and she told me she had a keyboard in her back seat. What!! Was she serious. She said she didn't know how nice it was but that she had asked a family about it and they said they never play it so it was hers if she wanted it. What!!
I was so excited and thankful I had not gone with MY plan to buy a keyboard. God had a much better plan. Here it comes SO GET READY. When Dimitra showed me the keyboard I took one look at it and I knew... its was exactly the one I had placed in my shopping cart. Other than the color exactly!!
So to tie this story all together and explain my title. God is good! He wants to give us our hearts desires! He wants to bless us above what we could hope or ask for! He wants to bless us pressed down, shaken together, and running over. God bless you!
Pressed Down, Shaken Together, and Running Over
First of all I would like to say thank you to Heather for allowing me to post on her blog. I am honored. Today I am sharing a testimony that I hope will be a reminder of the God that we serve. A God that is good and does great things for His people.
Shane and I have taken over the Junction City Kids Church pastor position. This was a giant step for us but it has been a step that was God ordained and I see His fingerprints all over our lives. Not because of who we are but because of who He is through us. It is amazing to see the children at Cowboy Junction learning and growing. If you have children who attend our kids church then please let me take this time to say... Your kids ROCK!! Ok back to the subject!
We had seen a need arise for a keyboard in kids church. Some of the songs that we sing are too fast or just lack the interaction of person with child. I play the keyboard and the wheels began to turn... I NEEDED a keyboard. So like I usually do I tried to make it happen. I talked to Shane and ask him if we could personally purchase a keyboard to use in kids church. Of course he said yes. I found the keyboard I wanted. A Yamaha keyboard with all the bells and whistles.. full size piano keys.. and a new touch sensor that makes it more like a piano than ever! It was awesome. I pushed the add to shopping cart... What comes next you may recognize, " Internet Explorer has encountered a problem" and my entire computer shut down!
For a few more days I wrestled with this purchase. By the way this is not like me, once I get the Ok from Shane I am typically off and running with any purchase! :)
That night I was at Clay's "my son's" baseball game when I got a call from Dimitra. She is the guitarist from the worship team and she told me she had a keyboard in her back seat. What!! Was she serious. She said she didn't know how nice it was but that she had asked a family about it and they said they never play it so it was hers if she wanted it. What!!
I was so excited and thankful I had not gone with MY plan to buy a keyboard. God had a much better plan. Here it comes SO GET READY. When Dimitra showed me the keyboard I took one look at it and I knew... its was exactly the one I had placed in my shopping cart. Other than the color exactly!!
So to tie this story all together and explain my title. God is good! He wants to give us our hearts desires! He wants to bless us above what we could hope or ask for! He wants to bless us pressed down, shaken together, and running over. God bless you!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
A Gift!
I am reminded so often of how very blessed that I am. I look at things a bit differently than I ever have before. The other night I was watching a television show with Ty and the boys fell asleep in their beds before I could kiss them goodnight. After the show, I went to my room to get ready for bed. I pulled back the covers and began to get in when I thought about those kisses I missed giving. I was so tired and I knew the boys wouldn't know one way or the other. I didn't get one foot in bed before I thought about how soon these days would be gone. I sprinted to their room to find my two little guys in a deep sleep. I kissed them both and whispered in their ears "I love you". This afternoon was absolutely gorgeous. I planted flowers in my flower beds and used my CJC Mother's Day gloves so that I wouldn't get dirt under my nails. When I finished, I looked over at the freshly cut grass and thought that would be a nice place to rest. I laid back on the prickly green carpet and listened to the birds chirp and looked up at the clearest blue sky. It was incredible. I say all this because here lately I am reminded that every moment without pain is a gift. Every moment with great health is a gift. Every moment that you have your children protected in your arms is a gift. We have so many gifts in our life that we take for granted. Take some time to look around and see what you are missing. Take a long walk and appreciate a windless day. Kiss your husband and be thankful you have someone to curl up to at night. I don't care where you come from or what your situation is, you have been given many gifts. Recognize them, enjoy them and never forget who gave them to you.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Let's Get Away!
Attention All Ladies. Cowboy Junction is planning a Ladies Retreat to Ruidoso. We are leaving Thursday July 8th and planning our return Saturday July 10th. The cost will be $100.00 or less. Price is dependent upon how many ladies sign up. The more ladies we have the bigger the house we must get. It is going to be an amazing time to refresh and come together. Relationships is one of the most important things in life and we need to make time for them. Our accommodations will have a hot tub so swimsuits are optional. Long walks in the mountains and a cup of Joe on the deck. What a better way to start our day than with a morning bible study in the cool pines. PJ's, no make-up and great movies. The list goes on and on. Invite your friends and come join us for a weekend you will be talking about for years to come. Please let me know as soon as possible if you will be joining us. I can hardly wait!!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Chicken Vegetable Soup
I know it is time for warm weather and cookouts but I don't think mother nature got the memo. So with all the colds going around, I thought I would share one of my favorite soup recipes. My mother taught me and it is a great way to get the veggies in your kids. Hope all of you are feeling well but if not this soup will help.
8-10 chicken tenders
1 stick butter
salt and pepper
1 chopped yellow onion
4-6 peeled and chopped potatoes
1 can of Rotel
1 can of tomato sauce
2 or more cups of chicken broth
1 can drained green beans
1 can drained sliced carrots
1 can drained lima beans
1 can drained golden corn
1 c. elbow macaroni
1/2 head of green cabbage, chopped
In a 9"X13" pan, cook chicken tenders with a stick of butter and salt/pepper covered for 1 hour at 350*. Cool and cut into small chunks. Keep in butter until needed. In a stew pot, saute onion and potatoes in 2 Tbs. of olive oil. Cook until onion is tender. Potatoes will not be completely cooked. Add rotel, tomato sauce, chicken broth, green beans, carrots, lima beans and corn. Add salt and pepper again to taste. Bring to a simmer. Add macaroni and cook until almost done. Then add cabbage and chicken with all the butter and juices. Continue to cook until cabbage is wilted and flavors combine. Serve with cornbread. Yummy!!
8-10 chicken tenders
1 stick butter
salt and pepper
1 chopped yellow onion
4-6 peeled and chopped potatoes
1 can of Rotel
1 can of tomato sauce
2 or more cups of chicken broth
1 can drained green beans
1 can drained sliced carrots
1 can drained lima beans
1 can drained golden corn
1 c. elbow macaroni
1/2 head of green cabbage, chopped
In a 9"X13" pan, cook chicken tenders with a stick of butter and salt/pepper covered for 1 hour at 350*. Cool and cut into small chunks. Keep in butter until needed. In a stew pot, saute onion and potatoes in 2 Tbs. of olive oil. Cook until onion is tender. Potatoes will not be completely cooked. Add rotel, tomato sauce, chicken broth, green beans, carrots, lima beans and corn. Add salt and pepper again to taste. Bring to a simmer. Add macaroni and cook until almost done. Then add cabbage and chicken with all the butter and juices. Continue to cook until cabbage is wilted and flavors combine. Serve with cornbread. Yummy!!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
He Never Changes!
Last night during Praise and Worship I was feeling low. I know we have all had one of those days where you don't know why but you just feel bummed. Well, that was my day yesterday. As we began to sing the last song, I felt the Lord speak to my very core. No matter what kind of day we have, He never changes. When you feel weak, He reamains strong. When you feel hopeless, He is still the God of hope. When you feel sick, He is still your Healer. He is never changing. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Isn't that comforting? It doesn't matter what you think, feel or see. God has never left your side and He is in control. The world around us is constantly changing. Things in this life are often like a roller coaster ride. But your Heavenly Father is riding the same ride with you. In fact, He is even in the same car. I woke up this morning at 6 a.m. My eyes just popped open and so I began to pray for all the people I knew were needing a miracle. Before 8 a.m. this morning, I had received 3 phone calls. One was informing me that my friend's baby was being air-lifted to Lubbock. The next call was that another friends step father had passed away at 2 a.m. And then my cell phone began to beep. I rushed over to find a text that said my girlfriend that had a tumor removed from her skull yesterday, was being taken back into surgery because of blood clots. This was all before I even brushed my teeth. Later in the day I talked to a friend who just lost her brother and her father due to cancer. And 30 minutes ago I received another phone call. Last nights praise report has become an urgent prayer request today. A little 2 1/2 year old boy has an unexplained medical condition that is affecting his oxygen levels. I tell you all that to say this. I sit here in this chair amazed at how I feel. Normally I would be a ball of nerves. But by the grace of God I am full of peace. No, I don't understand. Yes, I want a miracle in each one of these stories. But I will not be shaken. I will not be overwhelmed. The enemy wants me to be frazzled. He wants you to be frazzled as well. But if our God never changes and He holds us all in the palm of His hand. Why should we fall apart? He is God and He is good. So all I am going to do is Pray and Believe. Will you do the same?
Monday, April 12, 2010
What is God saying?
Well, I am reading another book. I go through seasons of reading everything I can get my hands on and then I won't pick up a book for months. A couple of days ago I was reading a book by Beth Moore called, "When Godly People Do Ungodly Things." There was one particular paragraph that caught my attention. Beth Moore gave a warning to all of us who have been called to speak to the Body of Christ. She said that we must be cautious to remember that God doesn't just want to talk through us. He wants to talk to us. When we stop letting God speak to us, it is only a matter of time before He will stop speaking through us. This statement hit me right between the eyes. I think this is true for everyone. When we stop letting God speak to us, it affects our ability to make a Godly impact on others. It is so easy to tell myself, "Heather, you have done enough. You have been in church twice this week and you have prayed for many people." I can then get real lazy in my personal prayer and study time. But how can I expect to give to others when I am empty myself. This past year I have gone through a lot in my private life. During this time God showed me a picture of my life. It was a water pitcher turned on its side laying in a puddle of liquid. The Lord spoke to my heart and said, "Heather this is you. You are trying to give to so many people but you are empty." He said, "Let me sit you back up and fill your cup so that you may give again." These past 6 months I have been very selfish with my time. I have had to take care of my walk with the Lord. We can get so busy doing for God that before we know it we are drained of everything we have to give. We are then no good to anyone. I challenge myself and you as well. Don't lose focus of your private time with God. Make the time to hear His voice. Make the time to be filled back up. I heard someone say once that we are to be a river not a reservoir. We are to be filled so we can pour out. But don't pour yourself out and stay empty. God wants to use you but more importantly he wants to be with you. Many times throughout the Gospels Jesus said, "He who has ears to hear, Let them hear." Are you listening? Make sure you take the time to do so.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
The View From My Seat!
What an amazing Sunday and Monday service. Once again, Praise and Worship was incredible. Lesley's song before Ty spoke was just beautiful. I think of how blessed we are to have such an incredible team of musicians. Our volunteers were all working so hard this weekend. They work so hard because they love to serve. They give unselfishly of their time and energy. Not to mention the thirty people that showed up on Saturday to clean the church and the surrounding area. Eggs were stuffed, stage was mopped, trashcans cleaned, litter picked up, classrooms organized, wood was dusted and the list continues. All I can say is,"Wow." The church never ceases to amaze me. And then there is the Word that Ty delivered. I have never heard salvation explained that way. But it is so true. I personally know many people who refuse to give their life to Christ because of obstacles. They have unanswered questions that "seem" too big for God. Therefore, how can they give their life to Him? If you can't wrap your head around certain things, can you possibly trust God with your LIFE? Ty made the point that if you would start with a personal relationship first, then the obstacles wouldn't seem so big after all. It is all about making Christ personal. He is not just "his" God but He is "my" God too. When things become personal it becomes a matter of the heart instead of the head. I swear the mind is one of our biggest enemies. I just recently finished reading, "Battlefield of the Mind," by Joyce Meyer. If you are like me and you struggle with your thoughts, I highly recommend reading this book. We can't serve God with our mind and be successful. Faith is not logical and yet as Christians we know that it works. But until you take a blind step you will never experience the fullness found in Christ. Faith first Answers second. Get a hold of your mind and give God your heart.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Book Review
I have never done this before but I can't keep it to myself. I just finished an easy read. The book is called," The Noticer", written by Andy Andrews. I read it off and on in 3 days. If you have the time, you could easily read it in one sitting. This book is going to change many lives. In fact, it may have already changed yours. After reading this book, I definitely have a different perspective on my own life. I recognize how even more blessed I am. I have also realized that no matter how old you are, your life is full of influence. My life can make a difference in the lives of millions. I'm not being proud I just have a new perspective. Are you down on yourself? Do you lack hope in the life you live? Please take the time to find and read this book. The problems you seem to have right now just need to be looked at from a different angle. Your life will be how you see it. It is never too late to change your view. You deserve joy and peace. Not only did this book cause me to look at my life differently but the lives of those around me as well. I'm learning more and more that a friend is not one who keeps the peace but one who is lovingly honest. All around us are people who are struggling in their daily lives. They are negative and rude. They are so self focused that they are of little benefit to the world around them. Something is missing. They may just need a "Jones" in their life. If you want to know who he is, go buy "The Noticer" today. I promise you won't be disappointed.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Fresh Fire!
Church service ROCKED today! I love to see people be unashamed of their love for God. JD Brown, our missionary friend, shared his testimony and his heart for our Lord. I sat there with my mouth open. I wanted to jump and shout. I could hardly stay in my chair. But it started with the beginning of service. The praise and worship time was so anointed. Each song led up to the Word that was spoken. The presence of God showed up in a tangible way. I love it when God does this. He makes Himself so real to His children. I have loved God most of my life. I have followed Him and searched for more of Him for as long as I can remember. There have been times when I needed my flame to be fanned. Today the fire was stoked. It is so encouraging to watch another believer share their faith with passion. It is so great to be reminded that God is doing great things all over the world. Our problems may be big but they are not bigger than our God. He is capable and willing to help us in our times of need. I feel like I have a theme going in my relationship with God right now. I am EXPECTING big things in my life. I smell RAIN in the air. Something is about to happen. And today was just another confirmation of what I know is coming. My encouragement for everyone is to start believing God for MORE. He is so willing to give you the desires of your heart. So Let Him! Pray for a Fresh Fire to fall from your Father above.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Back Burner!
You are doing so well. Spending time in prayer and the Word has been a daily priority. You can't imagine not giving God a part of your day. Then you wake up one morning at 3:30 a.m. because you can't sleep. You realize laying there in bed that it has been 5 days since you spent time in your bible study. Not that anyone is keeping count. Prayer has been the furthest thing from your mind because like I said,"Things are going great." Why is it that we can get so out of the habit from spending some time focused on our Lord? I don't ever get out of the habit of brushing my teeth or feeding my face. I've experienced insomnia before so I know how bad it feels to go without sleep. I would do everything I could to make sure I could rest at night. There are certain things in life that seem to be a must. Why not my intimate time with the Lord EVERY day? I know that the Lord is not disappointed. And I know He is not hurt. He goes with me everywhere. He is a part of every step in my day. I just desire to make time for Him. I want to set apart a special time just to focus on our relationship. One great thing about my relationship with our Savior is that I know tomorrow is a new day. I get the chance to start again. He won't be distant tomorrow because it has been 5 days. He won't give me the cold shoulder or take time to warm up to me. He will meet me right where we left off. No need to get caught up. He is aware of what's been going on. The thing I have learned is that God knows my heart. He has not established a point system with our relationship. In other words, He is not keeping score. He just loves spending time with me and He knows I feel the same. If you find yourself putting Him on the back burner, don't beat yourself up. Just recognize and start again. Our time with Him should be important to us whether life is great or tough. It is truly just as valuable as breathing in air.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Son Burned!
My little family just got home today from skiing with friends in Cloudcroft. We had a blast! I don't normally like to ski because I lack the athletic bone you need to master this sport. But as I sat back watching my 6 year old fly down the hill without poles and without falling, I decided to give it another shot. I did better than usual even if I never left the bunny slope. But one thing I regret is forgetting sunscreen for myself, Hudson and half of Brady's face. You forget that the sun reflecting off the snow can cause intense pain. At this very moment, I could not be picked out of a line up next to Rudolph the Red-nose Reindeer. And if that weren't bad enough, it hurts. Hudson is red all over and poor Brady (I can't even look at him without cringing). He removed his goggles during ski school and his eyes are burnt. The sun was more powerful than I gave credit. Though this story definitely would not give me the Best Mother of the Year award, It got me to thinking. Am I reflecting the Son? Do I make an impact without even trying? Are those around me affected by the one inside me? My prayer is that they are affected. When they walk away from spending time with me, I pray they sense a burning in their soul. A warmth in their heart. I want people to feel like they have spent some time with their Savior. Not because there is anything special about me but because there is something special about the one in me. Each day of my life I want to change. I want to become more like the one who created me. Christ said we would do greater things than He did on this earth. I'm believing this to be true. I pray for more power, more love, more of Him in my life. My sunburn will eventually go away but my light will always shine.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
How are you living?
When you wake up in the morning, do you get up on the right side or the wrong side of the bed? We all have a choice. If you don't like your life, begin to examine your choices. Change is not a bad thing but it can be painful. We can get so use to being miserable that we don't realize that God has more. The great thing about our life is that it can be one way today and better tomorrow. Your attitude has everything to do with how you live. You can make a choice before you leave your house each morning to purposely walk in love and peace. You must make a conscious decision to live a life that brings glory to God. So many times we go to God with all the things we need Him to do in our life. "If you would only do this God, things would be better." What we must remember is that we serve the Creator of the Universe not a circus magician. He wants us to be involved in our life story. We can't expect Him to do things if we are not willing to put forth some effort. We ask God to change our situations but what must we start or stop doing first? You can't expect Him to change your husband when you are not willing to work on your own heart. Why should God zap your financial troubles if you are not willing to get control over your spending. We serve a faithful and just God. He will do His part but will you do yours? How are you living? Are you giving God every square inch of your life? Can He still mold you or are you as hard as a rock? Make a choice today that things are going to change. Don't push the covers back until you decide that today is a gift from God. And you have a choice to make the most of it or the worst of it. Choose God's Best!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Do It Right Now!
I'm sitting in the hospital surgical waiting room in Lubbock Texas at this very moment.. My soon to be 90 year old grandfather is having a brain tumor the size of an avocado removed today. We are believing for a miracle. He has lived a wonderful, long life but we are not ready to say goodbye. Are we ever? Two things have come to mind as we sit and wait. Number one, my family could not always sit together and be cordial to one another. There was a lot of unforgiveness and bitterness. Sometimes the awkwardness was so bad that you didn't know what to do. It took an uncle of mine discovering he had cancer before forgiveness was given. When you are afraid of dying, you will often reach out before it is too late. So as we sit here today there is no weird vibes floating in the air. We are laughing, playing cards, eating from a massive gift basket and racing to be the first to finish a Suduko puzzle. Never thought we would be here. My word for you is to not wait to say you are sorry. DO IT RIGHT NOW! My uncle was blessed to have a chance to make peace. But too many people die with regrets or they leave someone behind to live with guilt. Don't be one of the two. Forgiveness can be the greatest gift you can give to yourself or someone else. Secondly, I want to encourage you to tell someone you love them. You may never hold a grudge but you hold your tongue from letting someone know what they mean to you. You can never say you love someone too much. You can never encourage someone more than they need. We all need to hear it but the funny thing is, we all need to say it. It is a proven fact that it is more blessed to give than to receive. So, DO IT RIGHT NOW!!!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Never Give Up!
What an amazing service we had today at CJC! God showed up in a powerful way. My desire is for more of Him and less of us. I look forward to services that never go the way we plan but the way He plans. That was what happened today. We had a plan but God had a bigger one. The Lord had shared with me two scriptures Hebrews 12:1 and Psalm 27. I got up to read them during our prayer time. I began to encourage everyone to hold on to the promises of God. Ty stepped up and informed everyone that I was preaching his message and I didn't even know it. Together we encouraged others and ourselves to never give up. God has a plan and though we don't see it we must never let go. Is your marriage on the rocks? Has your spiritual walk felt dry? Does your check book show something different than what you know God has for you? Well, the enemy wants you to throw in the towel. But your Father wants you to press on. It is so easy to say I give up. So many times I have wanted to quit. Ty and I have turned to each other many times and said, "Are we sure we want to do this?" Things get tough and running away seems to be the easiest. Being the Pastor of a church is not easy, raising kids is difficult and facing a new day with challenges can get the best of you. But we serve a God that said He would never give up on us. If we run to Him, He will run to us. Seek Him and you will find Him. Take the road less traveled and believe that you can do what God says you can. You may fall down along the way but get back up and try again. Want what God wants bad enough that you will climb or crawl to get your blessings. Heaven is full of them and God is ready to open the flood gates and pour them on His children.
Friday, February 5, 2010
I feel the Rain!

"I feel the rain, I feel the rain, I feel it falling down on me." An old song but a good one. I am so excited about my message on Sunday and Monday. My heart is full of expectancy. I know God is ready to do something great in His people. He has always been ready but I think I am finally figuring it out. I may not see the goodness before me but I am believing for it. I just encourage each of you to believe God for more this next year. Don't put Him in a box. He wants to do more than you can even dream to ask. Look to the skies because I believe a cloud is forming. I'm putting on my rainboots because I'm expecting to walk through some mud. If you catch my drift.
Monday, January 25, 2010
You Are Never Alone!
"The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8 This is one of my favorite scriptures. So many times in life we feel alone but the Word of God says that we are never alone. Praise God! Once again I am reminded that it is not how you feel but what you know. This is why reading the Word is powerful. It reminds us of God's promises. We can't stand on them if we don't know them. Although this is a life changing point, it is not my main reason for writing today. I want to remind you that there are others who have gone through or are going through a similar trial as you may be walking through. The enemy gets us by making us think that we are the only ones who have ever dealt with our particular problem. It is a lie. But when you believe the lie, you keep your thoughts to yourself. You don't want anyone to know your struggles. You tell yourself that no one will understand. "They might think I am crazy." "I will just deal with it on my own." But the truth is, you don't have to make your journey alone. There are fellow Christians who have gone through the same fire as you and they have words of Wisdom to share. They can stand with you in prayer. They can fight alongside you. Ask the Lord to show you someone in your life who can be a safe place to run. If you are the one who has the testimony, don't be afraid to share that with others. Your testimony can change the life of another. It can keep someone from having to go to the depths that you once visited. God should be our first cry for help but don't forget that He will use others to encourage you along the way. "Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." Ecclesiastes 4:12
Friday, January 8, 2010
A New Year!
The new year has just begun. I'm not one to make a New Years' Resolution but I do believe in moving forward. I am so grateful for the blessings in my life. It is a time to reflect and appreciate what God has given us. My number one desire is to continue to die to myself and to live for Christ. I want more of him and less of me. But this is my prayer every day not just the month of January. I am excited to see what God is going to do this next year. I have an expectant heart. Cigi made a comment at staff this week that she is going to buy rain boots. Hobbs is not really known for a large amount of moisture. But she says she is expecting rain. She is expecting to get wet. Not in the natural but in the supernatural. I remember that old song I grew up singing. "I feel the rain, I feel the rain and it's falling down on me." I feel the same way. It is as if the smell of rain is in the air. God loves it when we are expecting great things. This is called Faith. What are you believing for in your life this year? What are you claiming for your family? Let's be dreaming big in 2010. Let's expect God to change hearts and lives this coming year. Even if things around you seem dry and there is not a cloud in the sky, expect rain. Let this be the year that we see the mountains in our life move. You serve a big God and His plan for your life is to prosper you and not harm you. He wants to give you a hope and a future. When you know His Word, your faith will increase. When our faith increases, look out everybody because nothing is impossible. Love you guys and I am excited to hear about what God is doing in your life. I promise you will hear what He is doing for me.
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