Tuesday, October 5, 2010

If it doesn't hurt...

Okay, So I must blog about what is going on in my life at this very moment. The pain that I am in keeps me from thinking of anything else. I have just begun to work out with my friends, George and Misty. Today was only day 2 and every muscle in my body is screaming at me. Just moments earlier, I couldn't get off the couch. I had to fall to my knees and then use the coffee table to push myself up. Oh my goodness! I am in bad shape. I have never been much for exercise but I decided that I needed to change. I am 34 years old, done having kids and missing the body I once had. I know that with each year that passes it only gets harder to lose weight and tone those muscles. So here we go. I'm excited, scared, intimidated, tired and in PAIN!!!! But at the very same time I am hopeful. I am hopeful that in a couple of weeks I will have stretched these muscles enough that I feel good. My energy level will be higher and I will look forward to seeing new results every day. Because of all this I got to thinking about spiritual pain. How is it that doing what's right doesn't always "feel good". Making certain decisions often causes a temporary pain. I have many friends who are afraid of doing what they "know" God has told them to do because it's going to make life uncomfortable for awhile. Giving up something that God has told you to let go of is many times difficult. Doing something that He has asked of you can be a huge step of faith. It can be scary and challenging. But just like working out for the first time in a long time you will hurt for only a short time. I could very easily quit today and not go back to the gym tomorrow. But 10 years down the road when I look in the mirror and see my grandmothers thighs or the Dr. tells me I need Blood Pressure meds I will have to endure this season of pain again. If I will just do it now, I can reach my goals sooner. What has God asked of you? If you don't answer Him right NOW do you think you will come to this same fork in the road next year? It's gonna hurt but do you want it to hurt now or later? If you answer "Now," then God's best is closer than you think. You have a choice. Just like my trainer George might say,"If it doesn't hurt you are not doing it right." No one ever said living for God was easy but I will tell you that I would live my life for no other.

1 comment:

  1. I just shared with Sarah this morning about doing what is right and it hurts (in the spiritual and physical realm). Thank you for reinforcing my word to her! I am going to send your blog to her to read! Hope you have a blessed day and hang in there!!! Love you, sally
