Friday, October 22, 2010


I was turning South off of Kansas headed into Hobbs. As I drove past an overgrown spot of land on my right, I thought back to the days of colored golf balls and hole-in-ones. I'm speaking of the miniature golf course that use to be a Friday night family hang out. I don't know why my mind always goes deep but I guess that's just who I am. I got to wondering about how a once manicured piece of land could now look so bad. And then it hit me. It started with one weed. One weed that nobody bothered to pull turned into 10 weeds. Before long the ground was carpeted with a variety of weeds. Now the job seems too big. It looks too hard and not worth the effort. What if someone had taken the time to just pick a few weeds here and there? We have probably all dealt with weeds like this in our own yard. Or how about your laundry? One day the laundry is done and the next time you turn around the hamper is overflowing. How many times have you said,"I'm going to do one load a day so I can keep up."?
Well, I got to thinking about marriage. There are too many people who see a field full of weeds and they feel hopeless. They think it can't be fixed. IT CAN! It just won't be easy. The majority of couples get stuck going through the motions. They get comfortable, they turn their focus to work and kids and they take no time for one another. A year of neglect led to frustration and loneliness. Just like those weeds, we have to take a little time here and there. Speak a kind word when you think it. Give a hug or hold a hand. Write a note and leave it for her to find. Tell him that you can't imagine life without him. You may not even feel it but you wish you did. That's called FAITH. That is having VISION. If you will take a little time today, you will benefit from it tomorrow. Don't wait until it looks to be too late. But if you have waited and you feel like giving up, please don't. Just start pulling weeds. Your marriage is worth it.


  1. Heather, the other thing about weeds that people don't think about is that their roots are not deep. Yes, it's a tedious job, but when the ground is wet, they are easy to pull....if we let God do the watering on our marriage, sometimes he sends so much water, the water washes some of the weeds out on its own (the mean words, the silly ideas we allow ourselves to think or feel) and the things we need to learn a lesson from....he sends the water to loosen the ground (gives us the tools we need) to fix, overcome, and forgive. Love this post.

  2. Bethany that is well said. I read something in the book you loaned me that really captured my heart. She said "in my words" that all she and her husband had to start over with was a mutual love for and trust in Jesus and the desire to honor Him. It ended up being enough to change the course of their marriage forever. God has to be first!

  3. I love how their vows said they would wake up each day with new love, & new trust, for each other - that is so necessary because I think we have a tendency to 'forgive' but not 'forget'.....sometimes it's just as simple as 'pushing the reset' button..having the mutual love and trust in Jesus, and just letting go of all the wrong ways!
