Thursday, June 3, 2010

Time Out Update

Oh my goodness! Wednesday night was incredible. It was something I have wanted and needed for a long time. There were 87+ people that came together at CJC and prayed. I know there were some who had never done anything like this before. I pray that it blessed you as much as it did me. It was inspiring, moving and powerful. We prayed about our personal Christian walks, our church vision, and JD Brown our CJC missionary. We lifted up every child attending JCA in the fall and every youth attending camp in July. For one hour we strategically prayed for God to move in every area of our lives.

So why did we do this? Ty spoke a message last week about walking in the natural. There is only so much you can do in the natural before you must have the supernatural take over. There are so many things we are believing God for at CJC. We have come to a place that we believe we have done all we know to do. Before we can move forward, God is going to have to make a way. Our church is growing in every area. We need a school building and a facility for our children's church. We don't ever want to just make things happen. Ty and I desire to only move when there is peace. Peace comes only from our heavenly Father. We corporately stood together on Wednesday and declared that we are united. We will not be moved by need or feelings. We will only take a step as God directs. We want to hear from Him. We want to honor and glorify Him in every way. Prayer changes things and it prepares us for what is to come.

During this special night of prayer, I thought about my own personal prayer life. I need to take a timeout on a regular basis. I think we all do. There comes a time that we hit a brick wall. We just seem to be going through the motions of life. When we are willing to take a timeout and refocus our priorities, we put power back in our steps. My desire is to constantly be refreshed. I want the fire inside of me to be fanned. I want to see great things happen in my life. I want to see great things happen in your life. One of my favorite mottos is, "Do what you can do and let God do what you can't." "God, use me in any way you desire. Make a way where there seems to be no way. Bring the super to my natural. Together I know we can see the impossible become possible."


  1. It is so awesome to allow the Holy Spirit to move in you, it does wonders when you don't let yourself get in your own way! Thanks Heather!!!

