Monday, October 25, 2010


Many of you know that yesterday, Sunday, we had a grass fire on Cowboy Junction property. We arrived home from lunch to find sirens, lights and fire trucks surrounding our property. The flames had been contained but the smoke was still bellowing. One shift in the wind and it would have headed straight for our house and the church. "Thank you Jesus!" I must also say thank you to our wonderful friends and complete strangers. People that didn't even know us were trying to pen our cows and horses. It is amazing how people are so willing to help in a time of need. As soon as we arrived home, we joined the crew that were working with the cows. It was pretty amusing to see so many people running around waving their hands in the air trying to push a group of cows into a pen. it unfortunately did not work. The harder they tried, the more the cows tried to get away. About 30 minutes after we gave up and came inside, I went looking for Ty. He was outside visiting with the incredible Knowles Volunteer Fire Department. He walked over to me and said,"the cows are in their pen." How in the world did he do it all by himself? Here was the revelation. He said cows are like people, the harder you try to push them to go one way the more they resist. But if you will just open the gate and feed them, they will make their way in on their own. Who are you trying to force to do what you want? Are you getting anywhere with it? My guess would be No! Sometimes we just have to stop trying so hard. Take a breath. Give instead of take. Pause instead of push. Zip it instead of talking. Seven people couldn't get 16 cows in a pen. But done the right way, one man did. All your tactics won't get you the results you desire. But let God deal with it in His way and your situation will change. Or could it be that you will change? You may think that you know what's best but have you let God in on your decision making? Let this be revelation to you like it was to me.


  1. Thank you Lord for taking care of the Beans and CJC. Thank you Heather for that awesome word. The best advice for us all. One man can do great things. Such an amazing thing, real life gives us so many wonderful lessons.

  2. Amen for your home and CJC!! I love to read your blogs, but this one expecially!! I really needed to hear that from someone who does not know exactly what I have been going through!! I love you more than you know!!! Ash!!!
