Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Holding Out
I have to share with you the commentary in my bible reading time this morning. There is no way I could say it better than Joel and Victoria Osteen did in this side note. They were sharing their thoughts on the text of scripture found in Psalm 27:13. They write, "In Psalm 27, David wonders what would have happened if he had not believed he would see the goodness of God. No matter what comes your way, let this take root. You have to believe you're going to see God's goodness again. You've got to believe you 're going to see God turn it around. Believe you're going to see God open up new doors. There's something captivating about a person filled with hope. I've learned when you feel like dying, you've got to talk about living. When you feel like giving up, you've got to talk about pressing forward. When you don't see any way out, you've got to talk about how God can make a way. And know this, the enemy always fights you the hardest when he knows God has something great in store. When the bottom falls out and it looks like you've hit an all-time low and it couldn't get any worse, that's not the time to get bitter. That's the time to think better! That's not the time to get negative. That's the time to put your shoulders back and boldly declare, 'My time is coming. I am a victor and not a victim.'" Wow! I don't know about you but this was definitely for me. We have got to hold out, hold on and do whatever it takes to not give in. Don't give satan an inch because he will take a mile. Press on and speak life. Take the authority God has given you and use it. We can overcome and we will overcome. I hope this encourages you as it did me.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Does it Matter?
Last night, my family was leaving Thriftway grocery store. We had just finished getting all the best deals for our big Christmas meal. After I finished buckling Hudson into his car seat, I removed the paper from his orange push up ice cream. He was so excited to get this special treat. I shut his door and headed to the other side of the car to get in my seat. As I was walking I was wadding the trash from the ice cream in my hand. I noticed all of the litter covering the parking lot and I asked myself a question. Will one more piece of paper matter? Before I could even finish my thought I had my answer. Absolutely it will matter. If everyone has the attitude that it doesn't matter, then we would be swimming in a sea of trash. Someone has to care. What does this mean for our life? Well for me I am reminded of the ministry that God has called me to. Sometimes I wonder if what I do can really make a difference in this world. I have to remind myself that with every life I touch, a difference is made. You may be living in an unhappy marriage. No love or kind word is ever displayed. Would one compliment make a difference? You tell me. I think it would. Someone has to be willing to start. Even if it is the smallest effort. There are so many other examples of how the small things in life can be the start of something great. A snowman is built by starting with one snowflake sticking to another. Don't think that the actions you take in this life don't matter. Every word you speak and every step you take can change the course of your life. Think before you litter and think before you speak. You can make a difference even if no one notices.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thankful during Thanksgiving!
I can't begin to tell you how thankful I am today. I am sitting in my parents home in Hobbs (not San Angelo) by the fire. Most of you know that sitting by a fire is on my top 5 list of things to do. Number one on my list is being with my family. Today there were 14 of us enjoying Ty's amazing fried turkey, Haley's incredible sweet potatoes, my homemade honey yeast rolls and mom's pecan pie and fruit salad. Wow! But the thing I am most thankful for is my health. I have had a rough month but today I feel almost normal. I have put my trust in God and He has been with me through it all. I know that for a season there may be medications and doctors appointments ahead of me but I also know that I am a child of the King of Kings. The Great Physician gets the last word. What are you thankful for this year? I have learned that everyone goes through the seasons of life. But during each season there is still something you can be thankful for. You may feel like you are in your darkest hour but there is something you can rejoice about. If you can see these words that I am typing, you should be thankful for your sight. There are those who would love to see. You may not like your family but there are those who are lonely. They would love to be a part of any family (even yours). I know most of this is so cliche but sometimes we need to be reminded. Take your focus off of what you don't have and put it on what you do have. We are all blessed in some form or fashion. God loves you and He wants the best for you. Thank him for what He has already done for you and thank Him in advance for what He has in store for your future. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I love you !!!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The View From My Seat!!
What a great service this weekend at Cowboy Junction. We are growing like crazy. We almost had 300 in attendance this weekend. We had 30 in children's church Sunday morning and 17 Monday night. That is not including our preschool department, nursery and Youth group. They had 40 in youth last week and 30 this week. WOW! God is moving in a mighty way. Ty's message was so encouraging to all of us. We have to expand our circle. We have to BELIEVE more than we ever have before. We have to allow our faith to grow. We have to get "I can't" out of our vocabulary. I know for me, I have to get control over my thought life. I am reading two books right now. One is by Joyce Meyer, "Be Anxious for Nothing" and the other is by Jerry Savelle, "Thoughts, The Battle Between Your Ears." For me, I am at war with my mind. I can sit back and accept that my thoughts, my anxieties and my fears are just a part of my make up. I was born a "type A" personality and I will die a "type A" personality. But I choose to believe the Word. "For God has not given me a Spirit of fear but of Power, of Love and of a Sound Mind" 2 Timothy 1:7. David writes in Psalm 34:4, "I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all of my fears." I am encouraged by Isaiah 41:10 that says, "Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand." And the last scripture that I read time and time again is found in Philippians 4:6-7, "Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." Just like Ty said, we may not be able to control the situations that come at us but we can choose the circles in which we stand. Our faith has got to grow. How does that happen? "Faith comes by hearing the Word of God." BELIEVE for more. Remember that God is on your side and that He has great plans for you. TRUST Him more. He can handle your life if you just give it to Him. Open your heart and allow the circles you stand in to be expanded. Great things are in store for us all. Don't try to do it own your own. Let God fill you and then be willing to pour yourself out. But remember, once you pour yourself out, you need to be filled once again. Spend some quality time with your Father and REFRESH.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Being Transparent!
Is it possible that someone can be too real? It may sound like a crazy question but it popped in my head earlier today. I laughed as I thought about it because the title of my blog is "Keeping it Real." I've always been one to tell all my thoughts, show all my emotions and hide nothing from no one. But in my being real I fear disappointing those who see who I truly am. As a Pastor's wife, I am a leader and one that others look to for advice. When I show others that I don't always have it all together, am I letting them down? If a young lady finds out 20 years into her marriage that her beautiful diamond she has worn to represent the unending love of her husband was actually a cubic zirconia; how would she feel? All these years what she thought was real was actually fake. Does fake only hurt when it is exposed? Is it better to pretend for appearance sake? I live in a glass house and I could pretend that I never had a problem in the world. I could pretend that my children always behaved and that Ty and I never had an argument. But pretending is not who I am. I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse but I don't know any other way than to be real. I talk too much, I share everything and I give my heart away daily. I trust all the time, I care all the time and I forgive all the time . But living in this glass house I often fear the stones that may fly through my walls. I have lived my life in a way that puts me on a platform no higher than those around me. I am not your typical pastor's wife who claims to never have issues. I deal with life's curve balls just like the rest of you. And sometimes I swing with all of my might and I miss big time. I may even fall on my behind. But if there is any encouragement I have for you in this blog, it is that I get back up. I fail often but I try daily. You too, need to be you. Don't be afraid to fall and let those around you see. Just get back up and dust yourself off. I would love to never disappoint another person the rest of my life but more importantly I don't ever want to miss being who God created me to be. I do ask you one favor; please do not put me on a pedestal that I have never chosen to climb. Well, there it is once again. I guess I knew the answer to my own question. I just wanted to know what you thought. Because being me is all I know how to be.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The View from my Seat!
Honoring God! I have loved these last two messages. The first one on first fruits opened my eyes in a whole new way. The blind, crippled, stolen lamb was brought before the Lord because of Law. Gods heart is not law but love. How many times do we just try to get by? We did it because we had to, not because we loved Him and wanted to. This week he talked about authenticity. I love that God wants me to be me. He made me different and special. No one else has what I can give to this world. I am an original. And so are you! Ty spoke on 3 characters in the bible and how they were authentic. The first persons life we looked at was Jabez. Jabez received his name because of the pain his mother endured in childbirth. But he said a prayer that caught God's attention. He said Lord bless me, enlarge my territory, keep your hand on me, keep me from evil and help me to cause no pain. He started his life as a pain but his prayer was to cause no more. Ty's infamous saying, "It is not how you start but how you finish." No excuses. Don't let your past dictate your future. Jabez's prayer was original and from his deepest parts. When you talk to God, be real. You honor God when you pray from your heart. Secondly, Ty spoke about David and how he danced before the Lord. I can only imagine what his wife Michael was thinking when David's tunic flew up and he exposed himself to the world. But he did not apologize because he danced for no one but the Lord. I want to always be free to do what God is calling me to do. No fear, no regrets and no shame. Take advantage of the place you are at in life. Today is all we are promised. Listen to what God is telling you to do and do it. Don't wait another minute. This Honors God. Finally, we looked at the widow who gave everything to the Lord. That day she gave very little monetarily but to God it was more than anyone. Why, because it was an attitude of the heart. What sacrifices do you make in your life? Do you hold back certain things from God? Is there a secret place that is off limits. God wants all of you. Don't be afraid to give Him everything. When we give it all, He gives us back so much more. We serve a generous Father and He wants to bless His children. So honor God in everything you do.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Church Family
It is no secret that Ty and I believe you don't have to go to church to be a Christian. "We" are the church, not the building. We are the dwelling place for the Most High God. God can speak to us at home in the recliner, in the car while driving to work or anywhere He chooses. So why do I go to church? Some of you may say, "Well Heather has to go. She is the Pastor's wife." I would have to disagree. I grew up with a few Pastor's wives who did whatever they wanted to and they never apologized for their actions. I go to church because there is no place I would rather be. I felt real yucky last night for service. I was sitting at 5:15 on the couch in my lounge clothes. I had my glasses on and my hair was in a messy ponytail. My stomach was rolling and a bit of nausea was keeping me still. I sat there debating if I should get up and get ready or stay home and get in the bed. I never miss, so this one time wouldn't hurt. But I honestly couldn't stand the thought of not being there. Some of you I may not see for a week or more if I don't show up. I also know that when I don't feel so great, praise and worship always lifts me up. I had already heard the message on Sunday morning but Ty always says something different or I may catch something that I missed the day before. I strongly believe in the followers of Christ joining together for worship. It is a time of encouragement, growth and change. Ty's teachings always speak to my heart and challenge me. I also love people. I love to see your smiling faces. I love to pray for you when you are going through a tough time. On Saturday, I walked into the Fall Festival meeting at 3:30 for the pump up talk. The church was full of people wearing the same shirt and excited to serve others. I got a lump in my throat and I was filled with love. We came together and put on one the the most amazing events in Lea County. Together we gave to our community without expecting anything in return. We would have loved for them to join us in service the following day but no one was pressured. My friend RoAnn Whitmore said something on Sunday that spoke to my heart. "Even if the festival didn't bring one family to CJC, it brought our church together." We are a family. And together we can make an impact. I love each and everyone of you. I am blessed every time I see your face.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Pumpkin Roll!
Do you have one of those recipes that is fail proof? Every time you cook this particular dessert, casserole, etc. everyone raves about it. Well, here is one of mine. Tis' the season!
Beat 3 eggs
Add 1 c. sugar
Beat again
Add: 2/3 c. pumpkin, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. soda, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 3/4 c. flour. Beat just until combined.
Grease a cookie sheet 15 1/2 x 10 1/2 x 1. Line cookie sheet with wax paper. Pour mixture onto wax paper and spread evenly. Bake at 350* for 15-20 minutes. Toothpick comes out clean.
While baking cover a tea towel with powdered sugar. When cake is done, let it fall out on tea towel, peel off wax paper and roll up in tea towel. Put in fridge to cool.
In a small mixing bowel mix together 8 oz. cream cheese, 1 tsp. vanilla, 2 Tbs. softened butter, and 1 c. powdered sugar.
When cake has cooled completely, remove from fridge and unroll. Spread cream cheese mixture evenly over the cake. Re-roll without the tea towel. Place in foil and bake into fridge until ready to serve. Let roll stand at room temp. for 30 min. to 1 hour before serving.
Happy Fall Y'all!!!!!!
Beat 3 eggs
Add 1 c. sugar
Beat again
Add: 2/3 c. pumpkin, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. soda, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 3/4 c. flour. Beat just until combined.
Grease a cookie sheet 15 1/2 x 10 1/2 x 1. Line cookie sheet with wax paper. Pour mixture onto wax paper and spread evenly. Bake at 350* for 15-20 minutes. Toothpick comes out clean.
While baking cover a tea towel with powdered sugar. When cake is done, let it fall out on tea towel, peel off wax paper and roll up in tea towel. Put in fridge to cool.
In a small mixing bowel mix together 8 oz. cream cheese, 1 tsp. vanilla, 2 Tbs. softened butter, and 1 c. powdered sugar.
When cake has cooled completely, remove from fridge and unroll. Spread cream cheese mixture evenly over the cake. Re-roll without the tea towel. Place in foil and bake into fridge until ready to serve. Let roll stand at room temp. for 30 min. to 1 hour before serving.
Happy Fall Y'all!!!!!!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Blogging from Seattle.
Ty and I love the city of Seattle. It is full of culture, food and people. In fact, Ty has said many times that he would love to live here one day. He has called this city his favorite for more than 10 years now. But today I was reminded of something. There is no place like home. Judy Garland made this phrase famous years ago and I 100% agree. I have only been here for 2 days but I am so looking forward to driving down the Lovington Highway towards home. Today I watched a ritzy dressed lady walk into the Macy's department store probably ready to shop without even looking at the price tag. Just outside those large, double glass doors I watched another lady carry her life belongings in a single shopping bag while she searched for her next meal in the garbage can. I saw so many faces today as we walked these streets. Each of us so different from one another. I even leaned over to Ty at one time and reminded him how big God is. He shook his head and said, "I know." How can God love all of these people? How can God know the plans for each and every one of these interesting people? I had one answer come to mind. My God is BIG!!! I know this answer is so easy and obvious. But some times in the small town of Hobbs, you can forget. I don't understand it. I don't know how He does it. I can't wrap my mind around it. But that is why we call it FAITH. The substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. He has called us each by name. We were all created in His image. He knows the number of hairs on each of our heads. And my favorite thing is knowing that He is big enough to carry my cares. I don't have to walk around with the weight of the world on my shoulders. I can carry His yoke and it is light. From the rich lady in Macy's to the homeless woman digging in the trash, God holds us each in the very palm of His hands. Tonight we will have dinner in the city but I can't wait for pancakes tomorrow with my boys.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The View from my Seat!
I love this series called Contradiction. Last week Ty spoke on Women in the ministry and this week was on Divorce/Remarriage. The statement he made that I think sums up everything is divorce, debt, stress, and temper are all symptoms of the real sin. Divorce is not the sin, it is the hard heart that led to the divorce. I have many times said that divorce is just a piece of paper. God was sad long before you both signed the document. Many people continue to stay married because they don't want to disappoint God and others. The fact is, you may still live together with a state approved marriage license but you have been spiritually divorced for years. So many people read the Word of God for all of the rules. I read it to know God's heart. We serve a loving God who is the greatest father you could ever ask for. He wants the BEST for us. He wants us to be willing to be molded. I loved the sculpting illustration that Ty used. We all have to allow God to take away the things that do not belong. I am not the woman I used to be and I can attest that Ty is not the man he once was. Ty is one of the most amazing men I have ever known. He has faults just like the rest of us but I am constantly amazed at how willing he is to change. He is so soft and ready for God to show him what needs to change. You may be married to the total opposite. Your spouse may feel that the problem lies with you and he/she has nothing to deal with. I encourage you to focus on making sure you are soft. Allow God to work on your heart. In the process, the answer to your prayer may first come with the changes you make. And on the subject of women in ministry. I know what God has spoken to me and continues to speak. I am called, anointed and willing. I have no doubt that God can speak through me and lives can be touched. God said that if He has to, He will cause the rocks to cry out. I'm pretty sure God would let a willing woman speak His truths before He calls on a ROCK. Contradictions will forever be. Controversy will forever be. When it all boils down to, God is looking at your heart. How does it look?
Monday, September 21, 2009
Holiday Time!
Just a little something light for the week. I thought you might like to know a little about me. I am so excited to start my holiday cooking. Last week, I made those delicious Fresh Apple cookies by Ms. Wendy Roberts. The batch ended up making about 42 cookies and in less than 24 hours they were gone. Not just by my family but I shared them with others. What is your favorite holiday recipe? The cinnamon and nutmeg in these cookies got me anxious for Thanksgiving and Christmas. The cool air is on its way and I can hardly wait. I love this time of year. My favorite thing to do is sit by a crackling fire with my family. I love to watch movies and pop popcorn. When we have a fire, you can count on us roasting marshmallows. Brady and Hudson Bean have probably had over 200 s'mores in their 6 and 3 years on this earth. "Your welcome Dr. Tuttle." Oh well, we are making memories. I pray that with each season, comes something that excites you. Enjoy your family more than ever this fall and winter. Cook together, gobble up cookies together and snuggle under a blanket together. Let the cold weather outside bring you closer to one another inside. This could be the start to the best Holiday ever. I love you guys.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The View from my Seat!
This past weeks message was a wake up call for all of us. God "is" Ready but are we ready? God is not holding out his blessings because He is playing a mean joke. He doesn't find it funny to watch us wait for our answers to come. He is patient with us in our journey of life. He knows what we need and when we need it. He is a giver not a taker. He is a lover not a fighter. So what is it that God is ready to do in your life? Ty said that we must be cooperative to find the answer. We need to listen when He speaks and obey when He gives instruction. Is God talking to you right now? What is He saying? You may be saying, "Heather, I wouldn't know if God was talking to me if He was." Let me help you. When you read the Word, what keeps popping out of the pages? When you are listening to teaching tapes, what seems to be the common topic? What lyrics are speaking to you in your music? Have your Godly friends or mentors shared a nugget of wisdom with you and you didn't even realize that it was for you? God can speak to you through anything, anyone and anywhere. I think my testimony of the spider in the shower last week is proof of that. God used a donkey in 2 Peter to rebuke the prophet. An animal without the ability to speak opened his mouth and out came a man's voice. WOW!!!! Be aware of your surroundings at all times. You never know what God may have in store. Now here is where it gets good. You can hear God speaking all day long but are you willing to be obedient? Are you willing to hold your tongue when your husband makes "another" mistake? Are you willing to tear up the "Old Navy" credit card? Are you willing to quit the job with great benefits to pursue the gifts God has given you? What is your instruction? A willing heart could be the only thing keeping you from an answered prayer. I know God is ready to open the flood gates at CJC. And everyday He is helping us prepare for what is to come. I am ready to see and hear great things in your life. So rise to the occasion and step out when you hear the call.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Circle of Life!!
Yesterday was a day of reflection for me. Crill arrived at our front door at 7:00 a.m. for our drive to Lubbock. Ty and I along with Crill were going to support our dear friend Patti during the funeral of her father. 82 years on this earth, Zack Payton lived. He not only lived but he lived a full life. They showed lots of pictures and video of this dear man. I had only met him twice but I began to cry as I saw his life unfold on the screen. He loved his wife and his kids. He had a heart for God and he wanted to make a difference in the world he lived in. Everyday he put a smile on the faces of those around him. And even in his death he was putting a smile on the face of everyone in that little Baptist church. Following the funeral we had a bite to eat and then headed to the Lubbock Heart Hospital. Our good friend Max Clampitt was resting in the CCU unit recovering from a mild heart attack he had on Monday morning. 84 years old and ready to get back to Hobbs to his own bed. He adjusted himself several times as he tried to find a comfortable spot. He said the pillow was like laying his head on a piece of concrete. What a life this man has lived. He gives us words of wisdom every week in the Hobbs News Sun. He is an incredible historian with a couple of books to prove it. As he laid there and talked about this weeks experience, I thought about how much he still has to offer this world. He has given so much and he is not ready to stop now. Well, from there we headed back to Hobbs via Plains. Of course, we had to stop and get a Plains Watermelon. The season is almost over and I am so gonna miss this sweet, juicy fruit (vegetable, I'm not sure). We arrived at CJC only to drop Crill off and then head to Lea Regional Hospital. Yes, one more visit for the day. Only this one was a bit different. We walked in to room 206 and there was baby Gideon being held by his proud father Victor. Melissa and Victor Hernandez had their 3rd child and 1st boy. We were even blessed to be there when Nikki and Gwen (the sisters) arrived to meet their baby brother for the first time. It has only just begun for the Hernandez family. Many birthdays, camping trips, dance recitals and so much more is in their future. A beautiful way to end our day. We arrived back at home to two little boys who ran out to greet us as they saw our car come up the driveway. "Mommy", "Daddy", over and over again. Lots of hugs and kisses. Today we saw life come full circle. It just happened to start with death and end with birth. I was reminded that life is so short. Eighty years seems like a long time to live on this Earth. But it also seems like yesterday that I laid in that same bed as Melissa and held my first born. I'm reminded that it wasn't yesterday, it was 6 years ago. That is so hard for me to believe. So what is my point in this blog. Treasure each moment. Don't wish it away. Don't want something different or better. Just know that God has you where you are for a reason. He has those in your life because they need you and you need them. Love more, Laugh more, Live more. When the day comes that your friends and family gather in your home church to celebrate the life you lived, make sure they can say that you not only lived but you lived to the fullest.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Making a difference in difficult times!!
For some time now, I have not been happy with just "doing" church. I want to get out there and "be" the church. Where is there a need? Who needs my help that does not go to CJC? Well, I have just found my answer. Isaiah's Soup Kitchen needs our help. I am going to be sharing a goal with the ladies at Girls Grub on Saturday the 12th. We have got to rise up and be an extension of Christ's hand. During difficult economic times, people are in greater need than ever before. In the last couple of months my spirit has been stirred. I know that God is trying to get my attention and I am ready to listen. My good friend Larry Tuttle loaned me a book about one couple making a difference in the life of a homeless man. This wealthy couple had it all including a heart. With a little persuading the wife encouraged her husband to help serve down at the local homeless shelter. Taking this one small step, changed the course of their lives forever. Just when you think life is good and it couldn't get any better, God shows you a whole new view. I also recently saw the movie, "Taken." I was moved like never before. There are actually young girls being taken from their families and tormented for someones' profit. I knew that human trafficking had become a world wide problem but this movie opened my eyes all the more. I began to google outreach ministries that could inform me how to get involved in the prevention of human trafficking. Ty also made a few calls to some Pastor friends of his for some suggestions. I have a burning desire to help in some way, any way. Last night the house was quiet by 8:00p.m so I put in another movie called, "The Soloist." It was about a homeless man with a gift for music. He was suffering from severe mental problems that caused him to run away from an incredible life. Until one day a reporter heard him playing a broken violin on the street corner. This man had a mission to help make a difference in this man's life. This movie opened my eyes to a lifestyle I had no idea even existed. No Hope, No Home, No Help! People living in mass gatherings on the streets of LA. But it is not just there. It is an epidemic everywhere. So what can the people of Lea County do to make a difference? Listen to the Holy Spirit and he will tell you. God has not blessed us to hold on to those blessings. We have been blessed so that we can be a blessing. I ask that you start preparing your heart for what is to come. I don't think that it is by accident that God has been revealing these needs. We can be a light in the darkness.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Last night we honored my husband for 10 years of ministry at Cowboy Junction Church. I can't believe it has been 10 years. I began attending CJC even before he became the full time pastor. And that seems like just a couple of years ago. Well, the night turned out to be just perfect. For weeks, I have been nervous about this day. I wanted to do something special for him. I wanted him to feel appreciated and loved. We stayed up late last night talking about the service from start to finish. We read each card at least 2 times. He was in awe of every one's generosity. He went to bed with a glow that almost kept me from sleeping. When the alarm went off this morning, he jumped out of bed ready to visit Wilma in the hospital. Another day of doing what he loves. Today as I thought about the evening and replayed the skit in my head, I asked myself "Why did we need to honor Ty?" "And did we do a good job?". What does "to honor" mean? I wasn't quite sure of the exact definition so I looked it up in the dictionary. The one word that popped out at me was "Respect". I thought that was a funny definition of honor. So I looked "respect" up in the dictionary. It means to take notice of; to regard with special attention; to regard as worthy of special consideration; hence, to care for; to heed. To consider worthy. We honored Ty because he was worthy. He deserved special attention for this amazing accomplishment. I could not be any more proud to be his wife and his friend. Daily Ty blows my mind with his creativity and vision. I am so excited to walk this road of life beside him. The adventure will never be boring I can assure you. So, did we do a good job in honoring Ty? I guess he will have to be the judge of that. His answer, "Our church family blessed me so much. I can't wait to DREAM another 10 years."
Monday, August 17, 2009
Okay, I am going to start off saying that it is hard to write these blogs when you are not sure people are reading them. When I started this blog, I said that it wouldn't matter if anyone read it because I was doing it for myself. Kind of like my own therapy session. I have lots of thoughts go through this brain of mine and sometimes I need to get them out to leave room for things I need to remember. I swear this is the reason I forget so much. If my brain had a room capacity, the Fire Marshall would have already shut me down. So comment if you can but I'll keep blogging even if you don't. Today I have decided to blog on the movie I just saw, Julie & Julia. What a wonderful movie. I will admit that it is not for everyone but I loved it. One reason I give this movie 2 thumbs up is because I love food and so do these ladies. If I could have a profession in the food industry and still be a Pastors wife, I would. And maybe I can, I have just never tried. I guess because I think I'm silly. Secondly, Meryl Streep is a genius. I think she is by far one of the greatest actresses of all time. She did an amazing job in playing Julia Child. I laughed many times throughout this movie and Meryl had a big part to play in it. Boy did I need those laughs. And finally, I loved this movie because it was inspiring. Julia Child was older than me when she decided to learn to cook. WOW!!! Is that amazing or what? I can do anything I want and be the best at it if I just want it bad enough. It is not to late for me and it is not to late for you. The character of Julie in the movie never finished anything she started. She was not self motivated and she often got stuck in the routine of life. In many ways I related to Julie. I often beat myself up because I don't feel very disciplined. Watching her on the big screen made me want to get up and do something. Just because I have struggled with self discipline in the past, doesn't mean I have to struggle today. And neither do you. We can be better finishers than we are starters. I suggest you go see this movie and be inspired. I just celebrated my 33 birthday this week. And I have discovered that age is not a factor in being an achiever, an over comer and a woman that the world could write about. We can do and become anything our hearts desire. It just takes putting one foot forward and then another. I am pumped and ready to get started. I suggest you look out for me these next 33 years. They are going to blow the last 33 out of the water.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Lazy Saturdays!!!
Today has been an unusual day. I finally said,"NO," to something I would have normally said,"YES", to. This is so abnormal for me but it felt good. I decided that I was not going to leave the house at all today. Today was a lazy day. As I write this, it is 8:00 p.m and I am still in my PJ's from last night. I have watched 4 movies and cooked 3 good meals. Two were for my family and one for my sweet friend who just had surgery. I loved this day. Both boys are fed, bathed and asleep in their room. Ty is at the rodeo and I am curled up in the recliner. Could it get any better than this? I tell you all of this to share something even deeper. I have always been a people pleaser. As I get older, I have realized even more how much "I" matter. How I feel and What I want, should be of importance to me. BUT so many people take it to the extreme. It is so important to not become a self centered person. When it all boils down to it, PEOPLE matter. When I was a young girl my mom had a popular phrase for every situation we faced. "What is her(his, their) view on the matter?" When you make decisions about your life, do you think of how it will affect those around you? Do you put yourself in someone elses' shoes? Or, do you just do what makes you "happy"? Now my lazy day really has nothing to do with this topic. But, it was a great opener for my food for thought. If you live your life only for you, I challenge you to think of others for a change. Go to the baby shower because she needs your support. Follow through on a commitment because you said you would, not because you feel like it. Make that phone call you have been dreading because they need to know you care. You matter but so do others. And every once and a while say,"NO" and have a lazy Saturday.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Camp Crossfire is over and the Bean Bunch is exhausted. I can honestly say that it is a great exhaustion. Even though my body is give out, my spirit is refreshed. I love the people of Cowboy Junction. I love the people that serve God with freedom and joy. Spending a week with people who have passion has given me strength. I have to admit something though. I have found myself several times these past few days, quoting one of Ty's messages. "SHAKE IT OFF". Since camp I have renewed hope. But guess who doesn't like that. The enemy has tried to put me back in the pit that I was in. When you are tired and give out, it is so easy to give in. You get bad news and you feel defeated. Someone says something ugly about you and you want to throw in the towel and say,"Forget It." But I am determined to fight. I may be tired but some things are worth overcoming. Do you find yourself on the mountain top only to be greeted by the the biggest billy goat ready to butt you over the edge? What do you do? Most of the time I find myself jumping before he even gets the chance to make full contact. Well, I want to encourage you. FIGHT!!!! When things begin to bother you, people begin to irritate you, or you just want to quit; SHAKE IT OFF!! It is just not worth it. You are an over comer. We each have a choice. And I choose to win.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Learning Something New!
Well, tonight after service a few of us stayed to learn a dance for Camp Crossfire. Oh my goodness! This body does not move like it once did. We had a ball just being silly and laughing at one another. The entire time we practiced I kept saying, "What am I doing?" I think I have just figured it out. I am stepping out of my comfort zone and allowing God to use me in a different way. What fun is it to do the same stuff day in and day out? I want to learn something new. I think we should all be stretched. Being stretched may not always be comfortable but it can be enjoyable. Don't be quick to say "NO" when God may want you to say "YES". The day we perform this dance I may make a complete fool of myself but I stepped out. Ty always reminds us that it is okay to fail. What's not okay is to never try. Get involved. Take a chance. Let God use you in a new way. You may learn something about yourself that you didn't know. You may also find a new calling. Have fun! Tonight Ty spoke about being indifferent. He said that we can't lose our enthusiasm. We must keep a level of excitement in our walk with Christ. If you have been dry or felt distant from God, find something new and fresh. Get excited about something. Laughter is truly the best medicine.
Monday, July 13, 2009
The Constant Change of a Prayer Request!
Have you ever said a prayer and as soon as you get what you want you begin to pray for that same thing but in a different way? Hudson was having very severe bowel problems. I would lay in bed at night and worry about him. I would pray, "God, please let him poop today". He would go 7 or 8 days at a time with out having a bowel movement. This problem started in November of '08 and just 3 weeks ago he pooped on the potty for the first time. He also did it all by himself. I was overjoyed. A burden had just been lifted off of me. NOW he goes all the time. So you would think that I would be ecstatic. Well, this is the point that my prayer changed. "Lord, please let Hudson find the toilet before he goes." I remember in those difficult months saying,"If he would just go, I don't care where or how messy it is." What was I thinking? I do care where he goes and how messy it is. But at the time, I just wanted my little boy to be okay. Sometimes when I sit back and look over my life, I haven't really ever known what I truly needed. I knew what I wanted but is that what really matters. Wanting and needing are two different things. What I have to constantly remind myself is that God KNOWS what is best for EVERY situation. Ty preached the other day on the scripture in Proverbs. "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understandings but In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." The one thing I am sure of is that I want Gods Best in every area of my life. If this is true for you as well, join me in praying this simple prayer. "God, I'm not sure what I/he/she need(s) but you do. In this situation I pray for your will, for your way and for your best. During this difficult time I need peace. I need assurance that you are right beside me guiding my every step." Now Hudson's bowels may just seem like a funny story but as a mother it consumed me. Now that it is a story of the past, I can laugh about it. But isn't that how it usually goes? In the midst of our trials we only see the problem. Hind sight is 20/20. My desire is in the midst of my trial I only see the Problem Solver.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Independence Day!
What a great day to celebrate! Freedom is such an awesome gift that we have been given. In order to have this freedom, there had to be sacrifice. Men and women gave their life to fight for our country. They were willing to do whatever was needed to protect this great land. It is so easy to take this gift for granted. It is all we have ever known. My prayer is that one day our nation will once again be dependent upon Christ. Christ also gave us a gift. He made the ultimate sacrifice for each one of us. We have been set free from sin. Our debt has been paid in full. Wow! How blessed are we? Christ died for our salvation and soldiers fought to set our nation free. We are truly Free Indeed! So what will you do on this great day? Delicious barbecues, water sports, and fireworks. I pray that whatever you do, you are thankful. Be thankful for your family and friends. Be thankful for your church and your job. Be thankful for your freedom. We must all make sacrifices in this life. But just like the Bible says, "Obedience is better than sacrifice. Listen to the voice of God and Obey. Obedience will always bring you one step closer to depending on God.
Friday, June 26, 2009
The Steadfast!
I never did blog on Ty's last message of "The Forgotten Arts" series. "The Steadfast" was a great ending to a very needed teaching. To be steadfast is to be immovable, loyal and faithful. Ty talked about the story of Nehemiah and how he proceeded with the building of the walls even though he was threatened by the enemy. He knew where his vision had come from and nothing or no one would stop what God had planned. What a great testimony of standing on the promises of God. How easily do we give up? When opposition comes our way do we run or do we stand firm? If we truly know that God is for us, than who can be against us? In my opinion, to be steadfast is one of the most important character traits that we can possess. Too often we throw in the towel when the going gets tough. It is so easy to get a lawyer and sign a piece of paper to end a marriage. The only problem is that marriage is a spiritual contract as well. We give up on our calling because we are tired of dealing with difficult people. But when God calls you he will protect you from the fiery darts. Life is difficult and nobody promised us a bed of roses. But be committed to what you know God has put before you. Fight for what you love and who you love. Be steadfast! Don't be moved by the waves of this world. The word says that when you feel like you can't stand anymore STAND. God is with you and He will never let you go. Don't you let go either.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Fly Fishing!!
Great time with friends. The Tuttles' and the Beans' on the road. On Thursday morning we headed to Chama New Mexico. We stayed at the Chama Land and Cattle Company Resort. It was a dream place to visit. We had an incredible time and the fish were numerous. Our guide said it was ridiculous how many fish we were catching. We went to bed each night stuffed from the 5 course meal they served. If you know me, the food is one of the most important parts of any trip. I meant to say "the most" important. I can't tell you how much Ty and I needed this. It was one of those vacations that when you come home you actually feel rested. We got to be ourselves and relax. What a blessing! Thank you Larry and Nora for loving us just the way we are.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Looking Up!
Euphoria is something I experience more than the average person. I sit back and look at my life and I am just so humble. I thank God every day for how He has blessed me. But with that I must also be honest about something else. It is so easy for me to get focused on things that pull me down. I just finished looking at a complete strangers blog. This blog was created by a wife and a mother of 3. I just said to Ty that if we knew this couple I bet we would be friends. Her last entry was proclaiming that her little daughter's cancer is in remission. I read the detailed story of the miracle that they have experienced. I continued to view all of their pictures and with each photo the tears continued to come. I soon discovered that their oldest child has Downs Syndrome. But in their home they call it the Up Syndrome. The second child is another adorable boy. All three kids grinning from ear to ear. Not one moment did I see or read gloom and doom in this blog. How do they do this? It got me thinking about my own life. Sometimes it is the smallest things that can send me into my pit. And in that pit I gripe and complain about my situation. I see no way out at that very moment. I am embarrassed to admit this but I really want to change. They say that you are either born an optimist or you're not. I say , "with God all things are possible." I want to be an example of Faith. I want to see the good in all things. I want to trust in God when it looks impossible in the natural. Every day I am growing in the Lord. I don't have everything figured out but I know I am headed in the right direction. My attitude will set the tone for my home. It is so important that we each recognize the part we play in our family. Eyes are always on us and we have a huge responsibility. Each of us are so blessed in so many ways. Stuff is going to happen. We will each have many opportunities to get down. But through it all I am going to make a conscious effort to see the good. We all have a choice in this life. We choose our friends, we choose our attitude and we choose our actions. I choose to look UP! How about you?
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The View from my Seat!
What a great night? Not only did worship ROCK, but the message was incredible. "The Forgive" was another message that we all need to hear. Forgiveness is something I think we all take for granted at one time or another. We have been given the greatest gift, God's forgiveness, but it can sometimes be so difficult for us to offer that same grace to someone else. Ty gave an illustration of a Great Dane being tied to a bench in front of a convenient store while his owner was inside getting a beverage. Something spooked him and he took off full force taking the bench with him. The damage he was causing behind him never seemed to phase his pace. Car after car were being damaged and no telling what else was in the path of destruction. On our journey through life, if we hold on to unforgiveness, we are a lot like this dog. We can destroy so many things in our life without even knowing it. This dog was clueless to the damage he was leaving behind him. When we are wrapped up in the hurts and pain from the past, it makes it so hard to be free and move on. I love to use the old phrase, "Let Go and Let God". God wants to restore your life and mend your broken heart. He just can't do what He wants to when we are chained to our past. Leave it all behind.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
We are all Different!
This week Brady Bean is attending Art Camp. The moment he heard that he was going to attend, he was thrilled. He has always been an art lover. In fact, at his Pre-K graduation 2 weeks ago, he said that when he grew up he wanted to be an artist. Last year he wanted to be a donut shop owner but now it is an artist. We are really encouraging his love for art because he is really good at it. He has an incredible imagination and an eye for detail. When I picked him up yesterday at the Center for Arts, he was so excited to show me his work. They had done life size portraits and ocean themed water colors. After looking at his exceptional work (a little prejudice), I looked around at all the other students work. It was amazing at how each piece was so different. For instance, the ocean scene, I expected a lot of sharks and fish swimming in a sea of blue. Not at all! I saw octopus and swordfish along with seaweed and starfish splattered among a rainbow of colors. Each piece had its own flair. This got me to thinking. We are all so different. This class has 24 kids attending and they all share a common interest. They love art. But at the same time, they are each unique from one another. Their uniqueness is what makes art so interesting. I love to see a child's imagination come to life on paper. Why is it that as adults and in the context of life, we try to conform to the likeness of those around us? We don't embrace our differences but we try to mold our self into anothers image. God has called me to do and to be something incredible. God has called you to do and to be something incredible. We are all made in His image but we are all different in our purpose. It is time that we embrace our differences. Don't be moved by anothers talents or gifts. But be challenged to find what makes you, YOU! What makes you tick? What do you love and what do you dislike? Our differences are what make us stand out from the crowd. Just like art, it is boring to walk around and view a room of duplicates. I want to see originality. I'm sure God feels the same way. We are each a beautiful masterpiece that our Father has created. Allow his brush strokes to create something the world has never seen.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Watching Him Work!
Do you ever sit back and admire God's work? That is what I did Saturday night. I just sat back and said, "Wow." The Junction Christian Academy fundraiser was a huge success. We raised over $15,000.00 in one night. I love to see people get a vision, run with it at all cost and then watch what God does because of obedience. I am so proud of our church. We are not afraid to dream. We are not afraid to step out even when the world thinks we are crazy. When Cigi quit the school system to become CJC youth pastor, many thought she had lost it. You did what? Being a school teacher has great benefits and summers off. How could she leave all that and work for few benefits and very little time off? She knew God's voice!! She has not one doubt that she made the right decision and she is changing a generation. Crill Allen left the school system this year just shy of retirement. You want to talk about faith. I even had people try to tell me that I needed to talk her out of this decision. On paper it may not look sensible but paper will one day turn to ash. The steps Crill has taken today will make a difference in eternity. My friend Corrina stepped out and began her equine therapy ministry this year. She jumped out there with a dream and she has rallied the troops. Because of her following God's lead others are finding their calling. People realize that they "fit" and they can help make a difference. Charley Price, one of our ushers, followed a dream this year. He started his own business. Owning your own company is hard work and the responsibilities are huge. Charley knew what he wanted and he chased it. I spoke to him the other day about his company and he loves what he does. Many times following God is like being in the movies. As a movie goer, when Tom Cruise jumps off the skyscraper, it looks as if he is doomed to death. But for the ones on the inside, they saw the inflatable cushion and the green screen. When someone steps out and does what God has called them to do, it often looks like the end of them. But from the inside, God's safety net is in plain sight. That safety net is God's faithfulness. When he gives us dreams and when we follow his plan, he will never let us down. The journey may have lots of twists and turns. But if we keep our course, we will reach our destination. So if you have a dream or if God has given you a vision, GO FOR IT!!! Then sit back and watch Him work. It is so much fun!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The View from my Seat!!
"The Apology". I don't know about you but I am one hard headed woman. Ty Bean is pretty stubborn as well but he apologizes 8 out of 10 times. I, on the other hand, will not be moved. But when you are RIGHT, there is no need to apologize. Ha, Ha!!! All joking aside, "The Apology", has become a "Forgotten Art". It is so easy to say, "I'm sorry, but...". How often do we give an apology and expect one in return? Ty nailed it when he illustrated the apology as a message in a bottle. You can send it out but you are never certain if it will be received. Growing up my sister would say "sorry" for everything. It got to the point that mom would tell her in advance to not even bother. There was no sincerity. We even began to think that she would plan the apology before she even messed up. Sincerity is the most important part of an apology. I am a firm believer that there must be change as well. There has to be some effort to not repeat the offense. One thing I can say about Ty Bean is that he is a man of change. From the time I married him eight years ago until today, I have watched him improve himself over and over again. He is never afraid to self evaluate. I think that in order for us to regain the art of apologizing, we must take a look at our self. What did I do? What can I do? How could I have done it differently? How can I do it next time? All important questions. If there is one thing I know for sure, it's that I can't change ANYONE except MYSELF! When we start approaching an apology as a character builder in our own life, no matter the outcome, we always win. And don't just give good apologies but receive them as well. Give those around you the freedom to make mistakes. There will come a day that you need someone to accept your apology. So, you go first. Restore a bridge that has been burned and see what God can do in that relationship. What a great series!! Simple but thought provoking. Sometimes I think it is the simple things in life that we need to be reminded how to do. You don't want to miss the last 2 weeks.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Girls Night Out!!!
What a great time we had last night! Thirteen ladies hung out for 3 1/2 hours at Pacific Rim in Hobbs. We had great food and great conversation. I personally enjoyed the Spicy Tuna Sushi Roll and a cup of Won-ton soup. Yummy!! We also celebrated Ashley Davis' birthday. Her close friend Carla made a pink and black purse birthday cake. It was amazing. She is very talented. If anyone is in search for a great cake for any occasion, let me know and I can give you her number. She can do anything and I mean anything.
Night's like these are so important to me. I love to be with a group of ladies and talk about a wide variety of topics. Our conversation went from childbirth to bowel patterns. We discussed the school system and relationships. I learned so much about these women. I left last night having rekindled old friendships and strengthened my new ones. One fault I see in the institutional church today is the lack of true fellowship. We come to church every week, find our seat upon arrival and once the sermon is over we make a mad dash to the closest exit. Why do we do this? Building relationships and having true fellowship is one of the greatest reasons for attending the local church. Now many may disagree. "Heather, the Word is the most important part of a church service." I agree, it is VERY important but I can study and learn the Word on a deserted island. What I can't do, is fellowship and ask questions. We are each called to be a friend to someone. So next time you get the opportunity, step out of your comfort zone and come make a friend.
Night's like these are so important to me. I love to be with a group of ladies and talk about a wide variety of topics. Our conversation went from childbirth to bowel patterns. We discussed the school system and relationships. I learned so much about these women. I left last night having rekindled old friendships and strengthened my new ones. One fault I see in the institutional church today is the lack of true fellowship. We come to church every week, find our seat upon arrival and once the sermon is over we make a mad dash to the closest exit. Why do we do this? Building relationships and having true fellowship is one of the greatest reasons for attending the local church. Now many may disagree. "Heather, the Word is the most important part of a church service." I agree, it is VERY important but I can study and learn the Word on a deserted island. What I can't do, is fellowship and ask questions. We are each called to be a friend to someone. So next time you get the opportunity, step out of your comfort zone and come make a friend.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The View from my Seat!
This weeks message was the beginning of a four week series called, "The Forgotten Arts". Four different things that we may have lost the art of doing. This week was titled "The Thank You". Ty spoke of the story found in the book of Luke about the 10 lepers that Jesus healed. Out of the 10 who were healed only 1 returned to fall at the feet of Jesus. Only one took the time to show his gratitude to the Lord before returning to his family. Ty shared that it is possible that some of these men may have been separated from their families for many years. Once they were clean and could return home, they could think of nothing else. Who could blame them? But one man wanted Jesus to know that he was thankful before doing anything else. He seized the moment.
Sunday morning I worked the Preschool class and right before service I had an interesting conversation with a new friend of mine. She works at a local restaurant in Hobbs. She shared with me that her least favorite day to work was Sunday's. When I asked her if it had anything to do with church people being her customers, she gave me that little grin. I knew immediately that I was right. I have heard many stories about the church crowd being horrible tippers but she proceeded to tell me how rude they were as well. I can't tell you how bad my blood is boiling right now. It grieves my heart to know that people in the world often treat others better than Christians do. I know that every church attender is not a Christian but there are those that give us a bad name. Of all the people in this world, the children of God should be the most appreciative for someones kind acts. When we go to a restaurant on Sunday or any other day, we should tip more than anyone. We should say, "please" and "thank you". We should never order our waitress or waiter to do something for us. In every setting, we should be a light in the darkness. Where did we go so wrong? When did we start believing that we were above others? As a Christian we should always raise others above us and never push them beneath. This weekend many of you may have thought the message was simple and something you didn't need to know. I am confident that the "Thank You" is a forgotten art. My friends story proves to me that it is true.
Sunday morning I worked the Preschool class and right before service I had an interesting conversation with a new friend of mine. She works at a local restaurant in Hobbs. She shared with me that her least favorite day to work was Sunday's. When I asked her if it had anything to do with church people being her customers, she gave me that little grin. I knew immediately that I was right. I have heard many stories about the church crowd being horrible tippers but she proceeded to tell me how rude they were as well. I can't tell you how bad my blood is boiling right now. It grieves my heart to know that people in the world often treat others better than Christians do. I know that every church attender is not a Christian but there are those that give us a bad name. Of all the people in this world, the children of God should be the most appreciative for someones kind acts. When we go to a restaurant on Sunday or any other day, we should tip more than anyone. We should say, "please" and "thank you". We should never order our waitress or waiter to do something for us. In every setting, we should be a light in the darkness. Where did we go so wrong? When did we start believing that we were above others? As a Christian we should always raise others above us and never push them beneath. This weekend many of you may have thought the message was simple and something you didn't need to know. I am confident that the "Thank You" is a forgotten art. My friends story proves to me that it is true.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Four Seasons!
Isn't God good! Every season that comes I am ready to enjoy. My favorite is probably winter but that is because my favorite activity occurs in this season. I love to build a fire every night and cuddle up with all three boys and enjoy a movie. I love the purity and peacefulness of snow. But when the flowers come in at the local nursery, I get an aching to get dirt under my nails. Right now I am so excited for the Del Norte Pool to open. I can already smell chlorine and sunscreen. Late nights at the ball field and concession stand food. Can I hear an AMEN!!!!! Well, you may not agree with all of my likes but I'm sure you have some of your own. My last post I spoke about the "High Calling" we each have on our lives. I have discovered over time that I have a different calling for every season of my life. As a young college student, I had very little responsibility. I took care of me, myself and I. I studied the Bible often and I led studies at my church. God and I were tight. When the boys were first born, I wondered where God went. Though I had just experienced the greatest miracle in the world, childbirth, I felt alone. I couldn't see my bible over the stack of diapers and stuffed animals. Now some of you may have been able to find quiet time with the Lord during this season of your life but I require sleep. If it was quiet, I was sleeping. Today the boys are 3 and almost 6. My season has once again changed and just like summer arriving I am ready to see what is in store. The boys are getting older and I have found more freedom for myself. Life can still be crazy at times but that may never change. My point in all of this is that we must keep our eyes open for the new things God may be calling us to. I know that 3 years ago I would never have tried to start a blog. Today I am thrilled to sit at the computer and share my thoughts to all of you out there. No telling what I will be doing in 3 more years. I have learned that no matter the season, God has never left me. Isn't it funny how we allow our works to measure our relationship with Christ? God thinks it is funny too. I am living the life He gave me and He enjoys watching me live it. The seasons will change before we know it. Just when summer ends fall will begin. Oh, how I love to see the leaves change and feel the cool breeze in the air. God knows what we need and when we need it. Trust Him with your life and there is no telling which direction the wind will blow.
Monday, May 11, 2009
High Calling!
What a weekend! We had a great Mother's Day at Cowboy Junction Church. We had a "High Tea Party" for some incredible women. Twelve ladies got to sit at a beautifully decorated table and enjoy a variety of teas, fruit, cucumber sandwiches, pecan tassies and chocolate truffles. I briefly shared with the ladies about the "High calling" that each of us have on our life. No matter what stage of life you are in, God has a calling for you. I've learned to appreciate this time of motherhood. I have realized that there is no greater calling than raising children who love the Lord. One day when I am old and gray, I will look back over my life and see what mark I made on this world. Though I would love to preach to thousands, pastor a church that is overflowing and see many come to Christ; I want my two boys to love the Lord above all. It is so common for Pastor's kids to run away from God and from their calling. From my own view, I know in many cases this is due to the church becoming the priority before the children. I can completely see how this can happen. Church can so easily become our life. I believe that most of us were raised with the idea that our Pastor must always be there at any hour and on any day. When we have a hospital stay, a death in the family, a question we need an answer to or an urgent prayer request; the Pastor should be a phone call away. Ty and I love the people of Cowboy Junction and we would love to always be there. But Cowboy Junction will NEVER come before Brady and Hudson. I don't ever want them to feel that ministry means more than they do. Just as you would never want your kids to feel second to your job. We are all the family of God, the body of Christ and each of us must play a part. My friend Marie was in the ER last week and she called another lady in the church instead of me or Ty. Why? Because she knew our mutual friend would pray. Ty and I carry no greater anointing than any of you. Your prayers reach God, your shoulder can be cried upon and you have an answer to somebodies question. We are each valuable to the Kingdom of God. Just like Ty said this weekend, we are Royalty. We are Kings Kids. This is a topic I would love to share more about. Please comment and ask questions. I will publish a similar post soon.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Simple Things!
Isn't it tough to work all day long and then make sure your family eats healthy? There is nothing better than knowing your family has had a hearty meal. You feel a sense of accomplishment. These past 2 days have been crazy for me. Did I say days? I meant weeks. Sometimes I feel like I am walking through a fog and I can't wait for it to lift. It is so cliche' to say "Just slow down". We would all love to slow down but sometimes there are seasons of life that will not allow us that luxury. I know with two little boys I don't find much down time. I wrote a few days ago about taking a break and getting away. The break was great but I needed another one the day I got home. Isn't life funny??? So today I thought I would share another recipe. Much different than dear ole' Rachel Ray. Her ingredient list is a mile long. This recipe calls for very few ingredients but loads of flavor. I could eat this rice for every meal. So if your life is as busy as mine, find some simple things in life that will make your life much easier. By the way, mine is in the oven.
Chicken and Rice
2 cans cream of chicken soup
2 cans water
2 cans Minute rice
10 chicken tenders
In a 9x13" pan empty 2 cans of cream of chicken soup and rinse each can with a can of water. Salt and pepper soup to your preference. Add 2 cans of minute rice and combine. Salt and pepper your chicken tenders on both sides and place on top of rice mixture. Cover with foil and bake at 350* for 1 hour. Serve with green beans, corn, salad and rolls. It can be eaten by itself as well. Easy, easy and my family loves it.
Chicken and Rice
2 cans cream of chicken soup
2 cans water
2 cans Minute rice
10 chicken tenders
In a 9x13" pan empty 2 cans of cream of chicken soup and rinse each can with a can of water. Salt and pepper soup to your preference. Add 2 cans of minute rice and combine. Salt and pepper your chicken tenders on both sides and place on top of rice mixture. Cover with foil and bake at 350* for 1 hour. Serve with green beans, corn, salad and rolls. It can be eaten by itself as well. Easy, easy and my family loves it.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Surprise, Surprise!!!
I can hear Gomer Pyle right now in my head, "Surprise, Surprise." That is exactly how I felt at 7:30 this morning. I woke up excited for the day and ready to share God's Word with my family at Cowboy Junction. I called my husband to get a few words of advice and to ask him to pray for me. He seemed a little groggy so I asked if I woke him up. His reply was, "No I am just passing through Jal, NM and I will be home in 45 minutes." What? He is supposed to be relaxing on beautiful Amistad Lake. Instead, he woke up at 3:00 a.m and headed home to hear me speak. What a gift he gave me!!! I always get a bit nervous when I speak in front of Ty. But today I had a boost of confidence. My husband believes in me and the support he gives is amazing. Ty inspired me today and I hope I can do the same for you. Let's get creative. Who in your life can you encourage today? Who needs a boost of confidence? I am confident that at least one person or more in your circle could use a smile. Surprise someone with a note telling them what they mean to you. Encourage someone with a kind word. Call a friend you haven't spoken to in awhile and let them know that you were thinking of them. Pop in to your husband's office and offer to take him to lunch. So many times in life we find ourselves stuck in a rut. We get up and follow the same routine as the day before. Sometimes we need to surprise our self and just be spontaneous. Everyone needs to know that someone cares and that they are of value. Who better than you to be that someone? Just recently I had a dear friend send me an e-mail just telling me what I meant to her. I was on a high for days. On Friday I wasn't feeling well and another friend dropped by to say hi and catch up. Just being with her made me forget how my body felt. When our eyes are focused on others, we forget the problems we face. Be a blessing to someone today. You may hold the "Surprise" that someone is needing.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
No View this week!!
I'm so sad that I missed the message this week. Sunday I helped work the nursery and Monday I headed to see my parents in San Angelo, Texas. The report from others was that it was another great weekend. I'll for sure be in service this Sunday and Monday. I better be because I am speaking. Ty is headed out of town for a mini vacation with his dad. I'm so glad that he is taking a break this weekend. I believe that it is so important that we all take time out to refresh ourselves. I'm writing this blog as I sit in my pajamas at my parents' home. Taking a break from the everyday routine can be exactly what the doctor ordered. Some of you may not be able to leave town but you can take a moment for yourself. I'm reminded of the flight attendants words before every take off. If the oxygen mask falls from above, place one on yourself before attempting to help someone else. Why?? Because if you don't take care of yourself you will be of no use to those around you. So many times we feel selfish if we do something for our self. As a mom, taking a bath or going to a movie with a friend is just not possible. Too much to do. For you fathers out there, you feel guilty for leaving the family while you go on that once a year deer hunt. We all need to take a moment to laugh, to breathe or to just BE!!! I know that when I am refreshed everyone benefits. I'm a better mother, a better wife and a better friend. So to sum it all up; take some time for you. It may be just what you need.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
So Blessed!!
It is amazing how fast a week can fly by. We stay busy with the church, Brady's soccer and baseball games, as well as household duties. Through it all I regularly remind myself how blessed I am. As a mom, I catch myself thinking about the days when we will be finished with diapers. I can't wait until Brady can tie his own shoes and Hudson can pour his own apple juice. Has anyone been there? There is a downside to all of these things. With independence comes a closed chapter in my life. Never again will I hear Hudson say, "Change mom." He is speaking of the diaper. Never again will I hear Brady say, "Mom you tie it, I don't know how." Though there will be new things they need from me, like how to drive. Scary!! Certain things will never be again. I guess I say all this to remind us all to enjoy today. We are so very blessed in so many ways. We may all have something in our life that isn't working out right now. But what do we have to be thankful for? The bible says to "be anxious for nothing." Don't worry about what tomorrow holds and don't wish for today to be over. Enjoy NOW!!! It is all we are promised and we are blessed with each moment He gives us. So tie that shoe and change that diaper with a cheeky grin on your face. One day we won't have to do it anymore and we will wish we could.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The View from my Seat!
He did it again!! Ty's message spoke to me even more this week. I am speaking in 2 weeks and the pressure is on. I missed Sunday mornings message because I helped out in kids church but Monday night was incredible. Are you Ready or are you Prepared?? The sermon was about the parable Jesus told in Matthew 25. The virgins were waiting on the bridegroom. All were ready but only a few were prepared. I can honestly do very little to add to this message. I suggest that everyone listen to this sermon (click here). We all have a dream in our heart and a vision for our future but how are we preparing ourselves for when they arrive? God is constantly speaking to us and preparing us for what is to come. We have a choice to listen and obey. Ty and I had a bit of a disagreement prior to this message. I was adamant that "ready" and "prepared" were the same. I walked away last night with a totally different perspective. There are things in my life that I am ready to see God bring about. I am now challenged to make sure I am prepared for when that day comes. God's plans for all of us are bigger than we can even imagine. I don't want to treat God like a magician. "God wave your wand and bring me what I desire." I want to take responsibility and together with God I will see my future prosper. You can too! Dream big, listen for God to speak, and be prepared for the day the bridegroom arrives.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Fresh Apple Cake
2 c. sugar
1/4 c. oil
3 eggs
3 c. flour
1 tsp. soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
2 T. vanilla
1 c. chopped nuts
2 lg. diced apples
In a mixer combine first 3 ingredients. In a small bowl combine flour, soda, salt, and cinnamon. Add gradually to sugar mixture. It will be very thick. Add vanilla and mix just until combined. Remove mixer from stand and add apples and nuts by hand. Pour into a well greased tube pan. Bake at 350* for exactly 1 hour and 15 minutes.
This is one of my families favorite desserts. We even have it for breakfast with a glass of milk or a cup of coffee. I hope you try it and enjoy. By the way, did you know that you are the apple of God's eye?
1/4 c. oil
3 eggs
3 c. flour
1 tsp. soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
2 T. vanilla
1 c. chopped nuts
2 lg. diced apples
In a mixer combine first 3 ingredients. In a small bowl combine flour, soda, salt, and cinnamon. Add gradually to sugar mixture. It will be very thick. Add vanilla and mix just until combined. Remove mixer from stand and add apples and nuts by hand. Pour into a well greased tube pan. Bake at 350* for exactly 1 hour and 15 minutes.
This is one of my families favorite desserts. We even have it for breakfast with a glass of milk or a cup of coffee. I hope you try it and enjoy. By the way, did you know that you are the apple of God's eye?
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The View from my Seat!
Easter Sunday was quite a morning. The church was full and the energy was intense. The service started off with an incredible time of Praise and Worship. We are so blessed to have an incredible Praise Team. Ty's message this week was once again very powerful. He didn't title it but I would call it ,"A Bout with Doubt". He opened up by saying that CJC is a doubting church. I may have said it differently, but I know exactly what he is saying. At CJC we are aware that everyone struggles with doubt. No one is an exception. We encourage everyone to ask questions. God is a big God and He can handle the tough questions. Ty spoke on Doubting Thomas and the bad rap he has always had. The fact is, Thomas wasn't afraid to say, "I want to see Him for myself." About two years ago, I started causing trouble with some of my religious friends. I began to ask "Why?." Why do I believe that about this? There were certain things that I wanted God to show me and I wanted to find the answer for myself. I was tired of saying,"It's what I've been taught." or "My grandpa says that's what it means." Ty gave a great illustration using the Texas map. He said you can know where San Antonio and Fredericksburg are on the map but until you have been there for yourself there is no real experience. Ty and I took the boys to Marburger Farms in Fredericksburg 2 years ago. It happens to not even be on the map but we know first hand about this place. We have some of the greatest memories there because we experienced it for ourselves. We can read the Word of God (our map) but never experience its revelations. God does not look down on our doubts and our questions. He looks forward to our time searching Him. Ty ended with a human video and like most of you, I never get tired of them. He did "The Voice of Truth" and it was a great ending to an incredible service. So many people can try to tell us who we are, what we can and can't do, and what God says about that. This message challenged me and I hope it challenges you to be intimate with God. Don't just hear it and believe it, but EXPERIENCE it. God wants you to know Him because you have been with Him.
By the way, Cigi helped Ty with the sermon Monday night and she ROCKS!!!! We are so blessed to have her as our Youth Pastor. God is doing great things in CJC and she is at the top of my list.
By the way, Cigi helped Ty with the sermon Monday night and she ROCKS!!!! We are so blessed to have her as our Youth Pastor. God is doing great things in CJC and she is at the top of my list.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
What Parents Will Do!
Last night Ty and I volunteered to work the after prom party for the Tatum High School. Our shift was from midnight to 5:00 a.m. Normally I wouldn't do something like this because lack of sleep and me don't mix. I've had several nights without sleep that left my body screaming for mercy.
When we arrived at 11:15 p.m, the kids were having a great time. The prom decor was beautiful and the music was blasting. My understanding was that it took months to plan, hours to set up and a small army to work. While I sat back and observed the evening, one thing kept going over and over in my mind. "What we won't do for our kids". Many fathers, including Ty, sat at make shift casino tables wearing dorky green visors and dealing cards for hours. The moms ran around like Wonder Woman organizing every game and every detail. Not one adult was there last night for themselves. Their goal was to make this one night a lasting memory for these kids.
A love for a child is one of the most beautiful things. I would do anything for my two little men. That is the attitude of most parents I'm sure you will agree. Why is it that we would go to the ends of the Earth for our kids, but we doubt God's effort in our own lives? I'm reminded of the scripture found in Matthew 7:9-11. "Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! Our Father has already given us the most amazing gift ever given. His Son!! But God does not stop there. He continues to bless us and pour out His love every day. Don't be afraid to tell God what you need. Be real with Him and He will be real with you. We are children of the Most High God and there is no limit to what He can and will do for his kids.
When we arrived at 11:15 p.m, the kids were having a great time. The prom decor was beautiful and the music was blasting. My understanding was that it took months to plan, hours to set up and a small army to work. While I sat back and observed the evening, one thing kept going over and over in my mind. "What we won't do for our kids". Many fathers, including Ty, sat at make shift casino tables wearing dorky green visors and dealing cards for hours. The moms ran around like Wonder Woman organizing every game and every detail. Not one adult was there last night for themselves. Their goal was to make this one night a lasting memory for these kids.
A love for a child is one of the most beautiful things. I would do anything for my two little men. That is the attitude of most parents I'm sure you will agree. Why is it that we would go to the ends of the Earth for our kids, but we doubt God's effort in our own lives? I'm reminded of the scripture found in Matthew 7:9-11. "Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! Our Father has already given us the most amazing gift ever given. His Son!! But God does not stop there. He continues to bless us and pour out His love every day. Don't be afraid to tell God what you need. Be real with Him and He will be real with you. We are children of the Most High God and there is no limit to what He can and will do for his kids.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The View from my Seat!
Wow! What an amazing message this weekend. God and Ty Bean never cease to amaze me. I know you may think that I am prejudice, but does my husband have a gift or what?? How many of us have read the story of Nicodemus? I've heard that story many times in my life. I've just never heard it that way before. God doesn't want us to "Do" more, He wants us to "Be" lieve. We have to stop trying to buy God's love and acceptance. We need to realize that He first loved us and salvation is a free gift. In many churches today, we have set a standard for what qualifies us as "good enough". No where in scripture does it say we have to be "good enough". Where did we get this theology? When we are walking daily with Christ, Ticks (as Ty calls them), naturally fall off. My favorite quote of this message was, "Human effort does not produce Divine change". God removes what doesn't belong in each one of us. But the more we try, the more we fail. It's like a diet. I start one every Monday. Why? Because I fail every Tuesday. We can't try to stop smoking, stop cussing, start praying, start studying the Word. We have to know God's heart. Talk to Him. Ask Him. Grow with Him. Through our relationship with God, divine change will come. We have to stop beating ourselves up, me included. I am more than enough. I am the King's Kid and so are you. Let God be with you as you drive to work today. Let Him be with you as you make dinner and as you watch your husband clean up. God is in you and He will show you the way.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Coming Soon!
Heather Bean is finally on the net. I'll be posting a blog real soon so keep your eyes open and get ready.
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