Sunday, April 26, 2009

So Blessed!!

It is amazing how fast a week can fly by. We stay busy with the church, Brady's soccer and baseball games, as well as household duties. Through it all I regularly remind myself how blessed I am. As a mom, I catch myself thinking about the days when we will be finished with diapers. I can't wait until Brady can tie his own shoes and Hudson can pour his own apple juice. Has anyone been there? There is a downside to all of these things. With independence comes a closed chapter in my life. Never again will I hear Hudson say, "Change mom." He is speaking of the diaper. Never again will I hear Brady say, "Mom you tie it, I don't know how." Though there will be new things they need from me, like how to drive. Scary!! Certain things will never be again. I guess I say all this to remind us all to enjoy today. We are so very blessed in so many ways. We may all have something in our life that isn't working out right now. But what do we have to be thankful for? The bible says to "be anxious for nothing." Don't worry about what tomorrow holds and don't wish for today to be over. Enjoy NOW!!! It is all we are promised and we are blessed with each moment He gives us. So tie that shoe and change that diaper with a cheeky grin on your face. One day we won't have to do it anymore and we will wish we could.

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