Friday, June 26, 2009

The Steadfast!

I never did blog on Ty's last message of "The Forgotten Arts" series. "The Steadfast" was a great ending to a very needed teaching. To be steadfast is to be immovable, loyal and faithful. Ty talked about the story of Nehemiah and how he proceeded with the building of the walls even though he was threatened by the enemy. He knew where his vision had come from and nothing or no one would stop what God had planned. What a great testimony of standing on the promises of God. How easily do we give up? When opposition comes our way do we run or do we stand firm? If we truly know that God is for us, than who can be against us? In my opinion, to be steadfast is one of the most important character traits that we can possess. Too often we throw in the towel when the going gets tough. It is so easy to get a lawyer and sign a piece of paper to end a marriage. The only problem is that marriage is a spiritual contract as well. We give up on our calling because we are tired of dealing with difficult people. But when God calls you he will protect you from the fiery darts. Life is difficult and nobody promised us a bed of roses. But be committed to what you know God has put before you. Fight for what you love and who you love. Be steadfast! Don't be moved by the waves of this world. The word says that when you feel like you can't stand anymore STAND. God is with you and He will never let you go. Don't you let go either.

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