Tuesday, December 27, 2011
I woke up Christmas morning feeling so very blessed. The snow was absolutely beautiful and I couldn't wait to get to my mom's house for the day of festivities. But first my sweet potato casserole had to be made. So I put my Christmas apron on, turned on the television and got busy in the kitchen. For you to understand what I'm about to tell you, I must first explain one little story. A few weeks ago I was visiting with a close friend about the teaching podcasts I love to watch. The amount of knowledge available to the believer today is mind blowing. I have a long list of favorites. I made the comment that Joel Osteen is a great speaker with a feel good message. His teachings are practical and he offers good advice on "living your best life now". But, I shamefully must tell you that I told my friend that I like a little more Word in my teachings. I like to go a little deeper. Well, guess who was preaching when my television powered up Christmas morning? You betcha! Joel Osteen was sharing a sermon and I had already started peeling potatoes. So I decided to listen. Three times in his message I began to cry. At one point I looked up to see Joel tearing up as well. And all of the sudden everything became so clear. I was changing and growing in a 20 minute message. Joel Osteen was oozing with "The Word". I'm not talking scripture, I'm talking Jesus. Jesus was pouring out of every crevice of this man's being. I suddenly felt like a modern day Pharisee. When Jesus came to this earth, He entered in by way of a common couple and a smelly manger. At the age of 30, His teachings began to be recorded. He showed love and compassion to those that most religious people would walk by and scoff. He chose fishermen and tax collectors to be his helpers. He slept and ate in the homes of the despised. He spoke to prostitutes and lepers without fear of rejection. Jesus was and is the Word. And the Word is Love. The Sadducee's and the Pharisees did not understand the simplicity of Christ's message. He confounded the wise. They were looking for something "deep" and yet they didn't even recognize the well of never ending supply that was standing before them. What does it mean to go "deep"? Is it bible knowledge? Is it knowing Greek and Hebrew translations? Is it possessing more gifts than your Sunday School teacher? Or could it be more simple than that? The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 13:1-8, "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing. Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek it's own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never Fails!" Christ made it very clear how important love was to Him. I will probably spend my lifetime becoming love. I don't want to miss Jesus looking for knowledge. In everything I do and say I want to look to Him. Joel Osteen is preaching love to a world full of hate. He is changing lives one message at a time. Not because of who he is or what he is capable of doing. He is changing lives because he loves Jesus! And this love shines bright for all to see. Now that is deep.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Freedom!
This weekend God used a certain verse in Acts to speak to me and many others. It was an amazing story that has kept me smiling for the past couple of days. So this morning in my quiet time, I decided to go back and read Acts chapter 16 in its entirety. As soon as I began, something popped out that I had never understood before. By the way, this is not because of my own understanding. This is because the Holy Spirit points things out to me that without Him would seem like gibberish. He can do the same for you. Anyway, in the first few verses Paul and Silas have come to the town in which Timothy resides. And Paul has decided that he wants Timothy to come and go down the road with he and Silas. Now this is an awesome time for Timothy. He is being invited by one of the greatest missionaries and crusaders for Christ to go preach the gospel to the masses. I can't imagine what He must have been thinking. Pure elation would be my guess. But look at verse 3. "Paul wanted to take him along on the journey, so he circumcised him because of the Jews who lived in that area, for they all knew that his father was a Greek." Now most days I would have just read this and moved on. But something struck me. I was reminded that in Galatians, Titus, who was also of Greek decent, refused to be circumcised before joining the journey with Paul to Jerusalem. He refused because he would not be put under the law by those who tried to argue his freedom. See many years earlier God called all men to be circumcised as a symbol of belonging to Him. But when Christ came, Paul discouraged circumcision because Jews continued to preach circumcision was a sign of salvation. Paul argued that you are not saved by works (circumcision) but by grace (Christ's blood). Circumcision had become a way for the Jews to hold their position over the heads of the Gentiles. Paul was called to preach salvation to the Gentiles and he refused to put law before grace. Not because of his own deciding but because of what Christ came to earth to teach. And in Romans 2:28 Paul says it best, "A man is not a Jew if he is only one outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. No, a man is a Jew if he is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a man's praise is not from men, but from God." Meaning, God looks at the heart. You are saved because God paid the ultimate price. It is a free gift never to be earned by hard work or being good enough. Today many followers of Christ do the same thing that the Jews of Paul's day did. They judge your church attendance, your bible knowledge, your volunteer statistics, how you dress, how you talk, where you go and with who you go. The Bible says, "It is the Lord who judges me. Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait till the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men's hearts."
So I say all this to explain what caught my attention. Timothy was circumcised and Titus was not. Why? Was it because of Law? NO! Was it because of tradition? NO! Did he want to fit in? NO! Timothy was circumcised because he knew the people he was going to be preaching the gospel to and circumcision mattered to them. He wanted to reach every last person possible without anything hindering God's mission. Why did Titus refuse circumcision? Was he rebellious? NO! Was he scared? NO! (I would have been). He refused because those under the law were trying to rob him of his freedom in Christ. In fact, Paul said in Galatians 2:7, "God does not judge by external appearance-those men added nothing to my message."
God is a personal God. He wants relationship with each one of us. Timothy had a heart to reach people and He heard God say that circumcision would help break the barrier in the hearts of those who would hear the gospel. Would you be willing to obey God in doing whatever He asked of you? Even if it was painful? So which man was wrong in his decision. Surely two men can't do the total opposite and be right. But the fact is, Titus and Timothy were both right. They were right because they had relationship with a loving God. He spoke and they obeyed. Don't put God in a box. Let Him speak "rhema" to you today. Others need to see the Jesus in you and nothing should be hiding the light that shines inside. Don't follow rules, follow Jesus!!!
Friday, November 18, 2011
The Local Church- To go or not to go?
I had a short but great visit with a dear friend of mine on Wednesday. We were discussing a couple of books that have become very popular in the anti-church world. People who once belonged to a local church and are now discouraging others from stepping through the front door. They list problem after problem with the church and they make many good points. In fact, I have very close friends who feel the same way as the authors of these books. Many people have been hurt or they have watched others be hurt. They have seen Pastors fall hard and pull many people away from the right path. They have heard wrong teachings, witnessed raw manipulation, and seen God's Word be shared in a poor theatrical presentation. I have been a part of the local church my entire life. I have witnessed more than any person should and I have been saddened by too much. BUT.................... This is what my friend said on Wednesday. Although she has experienced tough times in church. She has had many great times there as well. She was saved in the local church. She was married in the local church. She was supported by her church family when her first husband passed away. She dedicated her children to God in her local church. She was baptized with the Holy Spirit in the church. Her love for God's Word grew in the local church. She said, "Where would I be in my faith if it weren't for the local church?" Do we have hurts? Yes. Have we been disappointed? You bet ya! But is God still using Pastor's and teachers to spread the Gospel in all the World? Absolutely!! To quote a theme song to an old television show, "You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have; The Facts of Life." Now this may sound heartless. I honestly and whole heartedly don't mean for it to be. But the fact is, we are all human. Only with God's help can we make a change in this world. Are there some churches you shouldn't go to? Of course there are. But there are men and women who have a love for God and His Word. They are humble in spirit and they love God's people. They preach the Truth and nothing but the Truth. They are held accountable to their peers and to God first and foremost. Will they still make mistakes? Probably. As Bishop TD Jakes once said, "We are lambs leading lambs." The Good Shepherd is our Heavenly Father. He and only He is perfect. But praise God for Grace. It is sufficient for all of us.
So, should you belong to a local body of believers? What is God telling you? And whatever He tells you, don't assume He is telling others the same thing. I personally can't imagine my life past, present or future without the local body. Through all the good and the bad the FACT is I have been abundantly blessed.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
In The Storm
When things are tough and you have so many questions, how big is your faith? I've learned over time that during tragedy your faith can be limited. When things are going good in my life, I can pray and believe for everyone. But when I'm down and struggling, it's much more difficult to have faith. A wise man once said, having faith during tragedy is like trying to build a house during a hurricane. Isn't that a true picture of your own personal storm. But that is why we have each other. In my darkest times I need you to believe. And in your darkest times you need me. The family of God is so vital in our lives. We need one another to lift the other up when standing seems impossible.
I'm reminded of the story of Moses and the battle between Israel and the Amaleks. Moses stood on the mountain top and as long as his hands were in the air, Israel was winning the battle. As soon as his hands began to fall, the Amaleks dominated. When Moses' hands became too heavy, Aaron and Hur stood on each side and lifted them up. Isn't that a beautiful picture of the Church. As the Children of God, we hold each other up. When your tired, I am there. When I don't feel I can stand, you hold me up. It is the power of God working through His people.
So when you are smack dab in the middle of your storm, don't beat yourself up because of the size of your faith. Lean on those around you. Let them pray for you and let them believe for you. The battle is yours so don't give up.
Friday, October 21, 2011
We are nearing Thanksgiving and it is not uncommon for people to start talking about what makes them grateful. Why is it that we only do this once a year? All year long we grumble about the troubles in our lives. Why me? How much longer? When will this end? Do these questions sound familiar? What if we started everyday thanking God for the good gifts He has given us? James 1:17 says, "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." I can't tell you how many times I hear people say, "God is testing me in this trial." They say,"God took him/her because He needed another angel." This is hogwash. God sent His son to give us life and life more abundant. The enemy came to kill, steal and destroy. God does not "take", He "receives". God does not lead you into the valley of the shadow of death, He walks with you in the valleys. God does not throw you into the fire, He stands with you while you are in it and when you come out you don't even smell of smoke. A grateful heart may not change our circumstances but it does change our perspective. We have so much to be thankful for and it far out weighs the trials in our lives. Our perspective has to change. Be grateful 365 days a year not just Pre-Thanksgiving. If you're reading this, you can see. If you're reading this, someone invested in your education. If you are reading this, you have breath in your lungs and tomorrow is a new day. Give God thanks! This is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Garden Excess
This year our zucchini and squash were abundant in our garden. You can only eat so much of it and then give the rest to friends and family. If you're like me, you love to find new and creative ways to fix these veggies for lunch/dinner. So here is a great recipe that i made up and the family loved it.
Take left over grilled chicken breast or you can roast some in the oven. Olive oil, salt and pepper rubbed all over chicken. Bake at 350* for 30-40 minutes. Then when cooled, chop into chunks.
In a large saucepan on med heat, add 2 TBS. olive oil and 1 TBS. butter with 1 white onion (chopped). Saute for a few minutes with salt and pepper. Then add sliced zucchini and squash to onions. I usually use one large zucchini and squash or use 2 medium of each. Continue to saute a bit longer before adding any type of tomato. I have used fresh grape tomatoes as well as a can of diced tomatoes. Fresh is my favorite. Add a bit more salt and pepper to taste. Then add chicken broth to pan. Do not cover veggies with broth. Just add broth half way up. Cover with lid and turn heat down a bit. Just let the veggies simmer for 5 - 10 minutes. You want veggies tender. Then remove lid and reduce the liquid by half. In a large, salted pot of water, boil whole wheat Penne pasta to Al dente texture. Drain pasta and pour veggie mixture on top. Add chunks of chicken and toss. Top with Parmesan cheese. Great way to get your kiddos to eat their veggies. Believe me, I have a very tough time with Hudson Bean and he loved it.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
I Trust In Him
Today I awoke and wondered if I would get a phone call from Dr. Hyacinth. Would the lump I've had for over a month be cancer or not? Today I awoke to a journal entry from a father I barely know. Would his eight year old daughter who unexpectedly went into heart failure have a good day today? Today I awoke to a text message from a dear friend who is sitting in a hospital room with her daughter for the umpteenth time. Would her daughter's breathing improve and the seizures stop? Today I awoke and dressed for my Wednesday with Seth Anderson. Seth has been a vital part of my life for fifteen years. This 21 year old young man has never ridden a bike, never eaten a piece of birthday cake and never spoken a word. But he has ministered to me more than any person I know. Would today be my last Wednesday to serve him? To be honest, there are some days that I would like to sleep through until the next sunrise. There are some days that my heart is heavy. My understanding of life is unclear and my questions are unanswered. But then I am reminded that I don't have to know all the answers. I am protected, loved and cherished by the one who does. Our world is full of things we don't understand. I shared on Sunday morning a revelation that challenged me to my very core. We were singing a song that says "I Trust in Him" and once again I asked myself, "Do you really?" It's so easy to love Jesus when everything is going great. It is so easy to trust Him when everything is in its place. But what about those times that you don't understand what He is doing? So the analogy I shared was about overpasses. My mind shot to Dallas/Fort Worth and the maze of underpasses and overpasses. It's like a ball of yarn that some genius engineer designed. Then he handed his plans off to a contractor who then instructed laborers. To be honest, I get a little overwhelmed thinking about the magnitude of that job. Can you imagine the responsibility and design efforts. But every time I go to Dallas I go under and I go over those passes. I don't stop mid-traffic and say,"I don't understand how this works, therefore I don't know if I can trust this structure to hold me and my precious cargo." No, I don't dare stop in mid-traffic in Dallas Texas. I put the pedal to the metal and stay on my course, TRUSTING that everyone who had a hand in this structure knew what they were doing. Have accidents happened and structures failed? Absolutely! Time, weather, environment and more have effected the strength of our highways. But I trust that it won't fail me. And I do that without even thinking about it. So why can't I trust the Creator of the Universe with my life? Does time, weather and environment put a toil on this body? Absolutely! Does God cause bad things to happen to good people? NO! But He does walk with us through those events. We live in an imperfect world, with imperfect people but we serve a perfect God who we can TRUST! My prayer for all of us is that it gets easier to do just that. I want to take those leaps of faith without hesitation. When I walk through those dark valleys, I want to walk with confidence that God has not left me. Because the truth is, "He will never leave us nor forsake us." I don't understand all that happens in this life. But I trust God has a plan that only He may know. I don't understand the job of a highway engineer but I trust his design will stand strong. But I tell you this, I trust God more than a mere man. I think we all do. It's just the process of letting go. Stop trying to figure it out and just drive this course of life without fear.
Me: I'm cancer free! Thank you Jesus!
Father's journal: "We live in a fallen world where pain and suffering are not strangers. But there is relief found in our Savior Jesus Christ. We thank God for our time here and for the love of so many people. His will be done. Still time for a miracle or a new heart."
Friends text: "Seizure free today! What is going on in LBK? (She was checking on me.) Hope all is well. Please, please let me know if you need anything. I will be right there. Love you more than you know." Amazed at her desire to be there for me even in her time of need.
Seth Anderson: He had a great day and I "get" to go back next Wednesday.
Psalm 39:5
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Self Reflection
A couple of nights ago, Ty and I were in our bathroom getting ready for bed. Hudson walked in brushing his teeth and had toothpaste dripping from his chin. Ty quickly directed him to the sink so he could spit. Ty thought it would be a great opportunity to coach him a little in correct brushing. So Ty pulled out his toothbrush to demonstrate. I was brushing mine as well in my sink. In the middle of us all brushing, Ty instructs Hudson to change hands. I was viewing this whole situation in my mirror because the boys were behind me. I immediately jumped on Ty saying, "He doesn't use his left hand, he is right handed." Then it hit me to turn around. Ty was helping him move the toothbrush from the left hand to the right hand but the mirror had deceived me. From my view everything was backwards. Luckily, Ty didn't understand what I was saying so an argument didn't break out nor did I have to apologize for being wrong. Praise the Lord!!!! Isn't it hard to admit when we are wrong? But this experience caused me to take a long hard look at myself. Do I jump to conclusions too fast? Do I jump in the middle of things that do not concern me? Do I think my way is better than others? I think I'm going to keep my answers to myself. How about you? Perception is a funny thing. We all have one but we all think ours is the only one. At least the only one with any value or merit. I believe it is important for all of us to recognize our shortcomings. Have you judged someone too quickly? Have you let one bad experience dictate the direction of a relationship that was full of many great experiences? You could very well be seeing everything backwards. You could be wrong! Gasp.... Slow down and look at your situation from every angle. You may need to close your mouth, you may need to open it and apologize and you may need to take a long look in the mirror. The written Word of God is full of wisdom. Take a look at the following scriptures and see if they open your eyes to Truth.
James 1:22-24 Romans 12:19
Proverbs 10:19 Matthew 5:44
Proverbs 12:18
Proverbs 18:21
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
The Mountain before you!
During prayer time last night at Cowboy Junction, I quoted the scripture found in Mark chapter 11. Jesus is speaking to his disciples and telling them to have faith. And with faith they can speak to the mountain and it shall fall into the sea. The struggles and difficulties that stand before us often seem like a mountain standing in our way. These trials are keeping us from our "promised land" and there is nothing we want more than to see it removed. Well the Lord used a message I had recorded back in March to speak to me in August. I woke up this morning and turned on a previously recorded message by Bishop T.D. Jakes. In this message, he spoke something that gave me a different perspective of those mountains. He said that victory is not found in changing your mountain. Victory is found in your mountain changing you. The Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years in search of their destination that was only a few days journey away. Why? Did they pray and ask God to get them out of the desert? You bet they did. But there was something they had to learn in the desert before God would bring them into their promised land. Do you ever feel like you go around the same mountain over and over again? Be prepared to keep circling until you change what is keeping you there. Mark 11 tells us that with faith all things are possible. But we must also know that God cares about our future. He cares about our children and our grandchildren's future too. The decisions you and I make today can effect our offspring for generations. If there is something we must learn in order to prepare our path to our promised land, God will walk with us around our mountain until we are ready to change our course. The thing is, we have a choice. Do you want your mountain to change or will you let your mountain change you?
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
View From My Seat
I love having the opportunity to re-preach Ty's messages to other people. Yesterday I was given the opportunity to tell two different people about this weekends message. The content seemed to fit their circumstances just perfectly. I love how God does that for us. For those of you that missed it, please don't forget about our free podcasts at www.cowboyjunctionchurch.com. Every message preached at CJC is found on our website. In the meantime, here is what touched me the most. Ty spoke on our life being similar to a tree that is meant to flourish and produce a harvest. But circumstances don't always allow for easy growth. At times in our lives we fill like we are doing the very best we can and pruning begins to happen. Now pruning is necessary but it initially hurts. Ty reminded us that God is not in the business of hurting us and He uses everything for our good. The scripture he pointed us to is found in John 15:2. It says,"Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit." When he explained this scripture in "Ty Bean fashion", I wanted to jump up and shout. When something is lost or cut off, God has plans for a bigger return. WOW!!!! I am holding on to this promise and I am remaining in the vine. Even fruit producing limbs get pruned on. Why? Because the greater harvest comes from what we gained in the tough times. I don't want to just bear fruit. I want my branches to bend. I want an overflow of whatever God has to offer. At the end of the service, Ty gave 2 scriptures that he encouraged us to make as our scripture memory. One of them being Galatians 6:9. I memorized it today and I am sure it will be useful in the days ahead. It says,"Let us not grow weary doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." In life, disappointments come. People hurt us and tough times can bring discouragement. But through all the pruning we receive, we can't give up. A great harvest is coming. More fruit than our tree can hold. God has promised to finish what He began in each of us. What the enemy meant for harm, God will make for good. Keep pressing on. Don't lose heart. And most importantly, stay connected to the vine.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Ladies Retreat

All I can say is, "We are BLESSED!" What an amazing trip we had to Ruidoso. Cowboy Junction is an incredible church to belong to. Not because we meet in a great facility but because we are full of the most amazing people. I love each and everyone of you. I look forward to our next trip.
In saying all that, I want to encourage everyone reading the importance of relationship. We need each other to be the best we can be. A shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen and a hand to share are necessary in all our lives. Don't keep yourself from blessing others and don't push others away from blessing you. We need one another now more than ever.
Book Review
I just finished another life changing book. It is "Unmerited Favor" by Joseph Prince. I highly recommend it to every believer. Rules and religion have tried to guide the church down the right road but they have confused and tainted the vision of the church instead. God has given us grace, unmerited favor, as a free gift. It is time for the body of Christ to realize "whose" they are and what He sees. If you are tired of living in condemnation and you are ready to experience true freedom, then please read this incredible book. It will change your life as it has mine.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Seek and Find
All kids love the game of Hide and Seek. It is a childhood favorite. It's fun to watch little ones play because they never stay hidden long enough to be found. As soon as the counter says the famous words,"Ready or not here I come," they spring from their hiding place giggling uncontrollably. The game then turns into a great game of tag. The older you get, no one wants to be it because it can take awhile to find the ones hiding. Hiding places get better and silence is a must. This leaves the seeker feeling lost, alone and somewhat insecure. "Are they playing a trick on me?" "Am I walking right past them but I can't see them?" So of course this got me to thinking. I realized how blessed we are that God is not hiding. He clearly says in Jerimiah 29:13 "And you will seek Me and findl Me, when you search for Me with all your heart." God is not hiding from you or me. He is just waiting for a relationship with us. He wants to be known by His children. I love the story of the prodigal son. When the father sees his son coming from a distance, he runs to him. It didn't matter where he had been or what he had done. This was his son and he had come home. Take a step towards your Heavenly Father and He will meet you where you are. We serve a good God. We serve a faithful and loving God. When you find Him, you will not be disappointed.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Dig In
Well the Bean Family just got back from a two week vacation. We had an amazing time on this trip! During our time on South Padre Island, we spent many hours on the beach. Wow!!! God is so amazing in His Creation. He blows my mind on a regular basis. The sunrises and sunsets were breath taking. One of our most favorite activities was collecting shells of all kinds. We found all shapes, sizes and colors. But there was one shell in particular that drew my interest. This shell went unnoticed by most people. If you walked by and didn't pay close attention, they would look like the millions of other shells that covered the beach. But when you looked closely these particular shells would turn on end and bury themselves back in the sand before the wave would come again and wash it to the surface. This would happen over and over with every roll of the ocean. I saw a characteristic in these shells that I believe we should all share. Determination! Life happens to all of us. Good times and bad times alike. For me, the waves represented the tough times that we all face. Just when we feel secure and comfortable something comes along and knocks us upside the head. We are left feeling scattered and alone. These shells have a different response to the waves than many of us do. As soon as the wave headed out to sea the shell quickly dug back in. I find many Christians do the complete opposite. As soon as they have a moment of trouble, they start the blame game. They turn from God or they turn on God. They allow relationships to go sour. They remain defeated. But God wants His kids to turn to Him in times of trouble. Dig In! Turn to the one who understands what you are facing. Seek His face and He will bring peace in the midst of your storm. Stuff will happen that you never saw coming. But you can't let it keep you down. Don't run from God but run to Him. He wants to comfort you and guide you but you have to choose. Be determined and DIG IN!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Give me, Give me
How many of you want more? More money, more stuff, more time and more of God. I think we have all had moments in our lives that we wanted more or we wanted what "they" have. "Lord if you could just give me ____, I could be happy." "Lord if I just had ______, I could do more for the Kingdom." And then one of my random thoughts popped in my head. Do I appreciate what I have been given? Do I spend the money I do have wisely? Do I save? Do I give to others unselfishly looking for nothing in return? Do I appreciate the stuff I have already been blessed with? Do I take most of my possessions for granted? Do I use my time wisely? Do I give my most importants (MI's) priority in my day? Do I waste precious time on things that don't really matter? And lastly, if I want more of God do I give more of myself? Have I given Him everything? Do I seek His face? "Come to me says the Lord and I will come to you."
I guess what I am asking is what have we done with what we have been given? We have this "Give Me" mentality and yet we don't even appreciate what we already possess. We are a blessed people in a blessed nation. We must stop and take inventory of our lives. If God can trust us with the little, He can trust us with the much. Remind yourself daily how very blessed you are. Speak positive over the gifts you have received instead of speaking negatively over what you wish you had. We serve a God that gives good gifts to His children. He wants to bless His children in every way. Take care of what you have, appreciate what you have and trust that God will give you what you need!
I guess what I am asking is what have we done with what we have been given? We have this "Give Me" mentality and yet we don't even appreciate what we already possess. We are a blessed people in a blessed nation. We must stop and take inventory of our lives. If God can trust us with the little, He can trust us with the much. Remind yourself daily how very blessed you are. Speak positive over the gifts you have received instead of speaking negatively over what you wish you had. We serve a God that gives good gifts to His children. He wants to bless His children in every way. Take care of what you have, appreciate what you have and trust that God will give you what you need!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Defending Truth
I was watching an episode of Dr. Drew this week. I was saddened at the Christian man who was being attacked for his beliefs. Have you noticed that the stage never seems to be balanced with opinions? It is never a winning situation. The Christian man walked away looking beat down. He put himself in a position of publicly arguing the Truth. But what do you do when you believe the truth must be told? Does the Word of God need you to defend it? I look at the life of Christ. He did both. In one situation he went into the temple turning tables over. He saw sin in the house of God and He did something about it. But when He was being wrongly accused, He remained silent. Never once did he try to convince those that cursed and beat Him. When the adulteress woman was brought to Jesus to be stoned, He knelt down and began to draw in the dirt. He didn't argue with her accusers, He just asked them a simple question. Their silent answer sent them away leaving the woman with her Redeemer.
I have a challenge for Christians. Talk to God before you speak. The written Word of God was inspired by the Holy Spirit. So ask the author what you should do about each situation you encounter. I believe we have good intentions but we end up doing more harm than good. Too many people preach the truth but don't come close to living it. The biggest testimony is our life not our words. The best thing you can do is turn others towards Christ. Don't argue over the Truth. At the same time, we must not diminish the Truth. Believe God's Word and stand firm. But arguing will never lead someone to the answer. In fact, it causes them to run from it. I'm not encouraging you to remain silent, but to ask God first.
God is so much bigger than we tend to give Him credit. We often believe He can't do it without us. Yes, we are the vessel He uses but at the same time He is God. Seek His face and speak the Words He would speak and nothing more. We are to be the light in the darkness. Don't let your mouth be the bushel that hides what the world needs to see. The life of Christ shows us that with each situation life brings, our response may be different from one to the next. But Christ was in relationship with His Father. He spoke what His Father told Him to speak. We must do the same. It is about relationship, not religion.
I have a challenge for Christians. Talk to God before you speak. The written Word of God was inspired by the Holy Spirit. So ask the author what you should do about each situation you encounter. I believe we have good intentions but we end up doing more harm than good. Too many people preach the truth but don't come close to living it. The biggest testimony is our life not our words. The best thing you can do is turn others towards Christ. Don't argue over the Truth. At the same time, we must not diminish the Truth. Believe God's Word and stand firm. But arguing will never lead someone to the answer. In fact, it causes them to run from it. I'm not encouraging you to remain silent, but to ask God first.
God is so much bigger than we tend to give Him credit. We often believe He can't do it without us. Yes, we are the vessel He uses but at the same time He is God. Seek His face and speak the Words He would speak and nothing more. We are to be the light in the darkness. Don't let your mouth be the bushel that hides what the world needs to see. The life of Christ shows us that with each situation life brings, our response may be different from one to the next. But Christ was in relationship with His Father. He spoke what His Father told Him to speak. We must do the same. It is about relationship, not religion.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Trials to Victories!
The house was cold when we got up this morning but I was trying to not turn on the heater. I mean it's April for goodness sake. We should be opening our windows for some fresh air. Besides, I was wearing sandals just yesterday. I don't think I will ever understand the weather in Hobbs. I am just glad the Lord didn't call me to be a weather reporter. Anyway, I was in the laundry room starting another load when I realized how cold I was. The warm clothes from the dryer felt wonderful in my arms. And then I had a thought. Where do I find the most pleasure? Do I prefer to be hot or cold? Many of you could easily blurt out one or the other. But I realized the pleasure comes from being relieved from hot or cold. It is so wonderful to be shivering and someone offer a warm blanket next to the fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa. Or to be dripping with sweat and given a cool drink next to a high speed fan. What does this mean? When we walk in the middle of the road you tend to forget how blessed you are. If you never have a trial, you never have a victory. If we never walk in the valley, we don't notice how beautiful the mountain really is. Don't run from the situation you might be facing right now. Trust in the Lord and let Him bring your victory. You are a blessed child of God. He is always faithful and He will never leave you.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Have you Missed Me?
Where does time go? I have been blowing and going like most of you I am sure. I can't believe that I haven't blogged in over 3 weeks. The topic I want to discuss today is God's grace. I have been amazed how He uses us in spite of us. Like I have said many times, I am my worst enemy. But I am in awe of how I can feel like I have spent no time with God and He ends up speaking through me. In all honesty, there are days that I feel my worst and God gives me a word for someone. Or things can get quiet around me and I feel God reveal His truth to my heart. Why is His grace and love not conditional? Because it would not be grace or love. God chose us before we chose Him. In the middle of the dirty water God picked us out. Isn't that amazing. Amazing Grace. Let God touch your heart in a special way. Be aware of how God sees you. He is proud of you because He sees who you're going to be. I love the story of Gideon crouched down in the wine press. The angel appears and calls out "O' mighty man of valor!" Gideon was the least of the least and he was hiding out in a wine press but God saw something different. Praise God! You are a child of the King. You have been given power and authority in your life. Rise up out of the pit and claim what God has set aside for you. He says we are more than conquerers through Christ Jesus. So, I don't know about you but I am encouraged. God wants to use you and He will. Just be ready to say "Yes Lord!"
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Nothing Gonna Stop You!
I love this saying, "There is no person on Earth and no devil in hell that can keep you from the greatness God has for you." If you are determined to keep your eyes on Jesus, what can stop you? NOTHING! Take it one step at a time and be obedient. Start your day off asking God to open your eyes to His will. Slow down and be observant to each step you take. God has a plan that is so big for your life. Don't let yourself get in the way of God's greatness. You get to decide. Don't let your past nor your present affect your future. Decide to follow Jesus no matter the cost and keep steppin'. Do what you can and let God do what you can't. I believe in you, Jesus believes in you so how about you believe in you!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
I just shared with CJC the message that Joyce Meyer spoke at the C3 conference in Grapevine, TX this past weekend. For those of you that couldn't join us, I must share with you as well. Joyce shared from the book of John. She talked about the man who laid by the pool of Bethesda giving every excuse why he could not be healed. For 38 years he suffered with an illness that robbed him of life. He was only steps away from the answer but no one would help him to the water. Joyce said, "Wiggle." If you will do what you can, God will do what you can't. I love that. Don't sit around wishing and hoping. Do SOMETHING! Don't sit around blaming others for your situation. Take RESPONSIBILITY! If this man couldn't walk to the pool, could he wiggle? She told the story about a man who wanted to hear from God. He went before the Lord and fell on his face in prayer. "God speak to me. What do you want from me?" He stayed there for hours. Then suddenly he heard the Lord speak to his heart. "Get up, get dressed and go to work." What in the world does this mean. He went in to his home and his wife said "Did you hear from God?" "Yes, honey," he said. "He said to get up, get dressed and go to work." Well that certainly wasn't what he or his wife were hoping for. They were desperate for change and they needed direction from God. Well, sometimes God is asking us to just be faithful in our natural world. In being faithful and obedient, God brings about the supernatural. We must listen and obey. And for some of us it is a simple request to "Wiggle." Get up and do what you can. And do it to the best of your ability. Do it for the Lord. He will take care of the rest. Our instruction isn't always big. But the Word says that obedience is better than sacrifice.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Groundhog Day
6:01 a.m on February 3rd was quite a day for Phil Conners. Have you ever seen Groundhog Day with Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell? Bill Murray's character, Phil, was forced to relive February 2nd until he got it right. For many of us, we would give anything for the chance to relive a certain day. But can you imagine being stuck? Death could not even make it stop. Same song, same people, same weather and same events. Ughhhh! It would get so old and tiresome. But then one night he went to sleep and when he woke up it was different. Rita, Andie MacDowell's character, asked if it was a good different or a bad different. Phil responded that anything different was good. We may not get the chance to take back words that we said or actions that we made but tomorrow can be different than today. If I've said it once I've said it a million times, you have a choice. Do you wish to remain the same person or do you desire to grow? When we grow, things change. Change brings something different. A well known definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over expecting a different result. If we aren't willing to accept change we can't expect something different tomorrow. One of the many good things about our God is that He is patient. We give up on ourselves and on others but God never gives up on us. Another great thing about our God is that He doesn't expect us to change on our own. He tells us in His Word that He will provide all we need. He has fruit and gifts that He desires to give. We just have to be obedient and then be ready to receive. So since we can't take back what we have already done, let's seek God's help to never live that day again. Happy Groundhog Day!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Right for you and Wrong for me
I was talking to a friend today and we were discussing a variety of argumentative issues in the church. For example, rated R movies, consumption of alcohol and gambling. Almost everyone has an opinion about each. And most opinionated people don't have a problem sharing what they think. Most of us have made our decision about each of these because of an outside influence. But my challenge to you is to seek the Word of God first. Second, ask the Holy Spirit to tell you what is best for you. I love how the NKJV of the bible translates 1 Corinthians 6:11-12 "All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any." This is what the Word of God says about these issues. Now it is between you and the Holy Spirit to decide what is helpful and what is not. Have you allowed something to have power over you? You hear people often say that they don't want to give their life over to Christ because they will have to stop having fun. It is quite the opposite. God never said you can't but He did say, "Should you?" Once again our Lord gives us a choice. Why in the world do we let man dictate what is right and wrong for our lives? Let God speak to you and then listen and obey. But don't judge those around you that don't do what you do. Their relationship with God is totally different and He may not be sharing with you what He is sharing with them. You focus on you and get your eyes off of others. My struggles are not your struggles and my victories are not yours either. We are each precious in the sight of God and His plan for us is unique. Let Him work on His masterpiece and create something that has never been seen before.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Set Free
Don't you just love when God reminds you of His truth? I was reminded this morning that the enemy no longer has authority in my life. I have been delivered from the powers of darkness. You and I have been redeemed. Colossians 1:13-14 says that "God has delivered us from the power of darkness, and has translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son. In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins." We don't have to walk in fear. Our past no longer has a grip on our life. We were once a slave to sin and bound by the enemy. But we are now sons/daughters of the Most High God. I have visualized myself in chains curled up in a dark, cold corner of a prison cell. But once Christ entered my life, the prison doors were opened, my chains were destroyed and I was led outside into the warm sunlight. I no longer have to visit that cell again and neither do you. The enemy wants us to believe he is more powerful than us. But you have been given authority over the enemy. I love the song we used to sing years ago, "he's under my feet, he's under my feet, satan is under my feet." It's so important that you know who you are and what has been done for you. Don't just take part of the cross but receive all that it has to offer. Many of us were released from prison the day we received Christ but we are hanging out around the prison gates. We look up at the guards standing in the tower and we are afraid to move. WE ARE FREE! The price has been paid the charges have been dropped. Run away and don't look back. Go and live with Christ!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Letting Go
So here goes another story about my sweet little boy Hudson. Today his daddy and I decided it was time for him to give up his "Balay" (blanket) once and for all. We had it go missing months ago and he did very well. But when the stomach bug attacked we brought it back for comfort. Big mistake!! So here we are today trying to reason with a 4 almost 5 year old. This blanket is like an old friend to him. He talks to it, kisses it, smells it and takes it everywhere we go. To be honest, I am sad to see balay go. She (as Hud calls it) has become a part of our family. Some of you may be saying, "Why can't he keep it?" Long story but Ty and I have come to an agreement that it is time. Oh my, the crocodile tears were huge. It broke my heart to see him so distraught. And then daddy pulls a $20 bill from his back pocket and tells him if we can have balay he can get something from Wal-Mart. Oh don't judge. You know you've bribed your kids too. So Dado, my dad, came by and took Hudson to get something special at Wally World. I thought to myself this was too easy. Well, I should have known what was coming. BEDTIME! "Mom, where's my balay?" You have got to be kidding me. Again reasoning with a sleepy 4 year old is not possible. We prayed with him, talked with him and loved on him. Nothing was working. I sat down on his bed and put my hands in my coat pocket. The jacket I wore to church tonight had not been worn in a couple of years. When I reached in, I felt an old pacifier in the bottom. I pulled it out thinking this would be a great tool to helping him understand letting go and growing up. He once loved that "Boppy" (pacifier). But when he got older he had to give it up. Well this tool backfired on me. As soon as he saw it, his eyes got big, the tears dried up and he yelled, "Thank you mommy, thank you." Are you kidding me? He wanted that darn boppy back. He grabbed it and shoved it in his mouth. Luckily it was covered in fuzz and as soon as he put it in his mouth he jerked it right back out. Praise God! He was at least calm now and I said we would talk about it in the morning. Ten minutes later he is hunting me down in the laundry room just wanting to know where we had put the blanket. "Ty I need you," I yelled. One more talk with daddy and he calmly headed back to bed with the new toy he had gotten at Wal-Mart.
So as most of you know, God speaks to me in ALL of life's little moments. What are you holding on to? Have you let go of old habits, relationships, etc. but as soon as they make their way back into your life you latch on with all your might? Is there something that is keeping you from growing up (Spiritually)? We have got to trust God that He has something better for us. He wants to take us where we have never been. And don't let go of one thing to pick another back up. Our security is found in Him alone.
Hudson will grow up and laugh at this story one day. But as adults we don't seem to find much humor in our own struggles. It's real life and it really hurts. My one word of encouragement is that when you give God something He gives back something better. When you give Him your addiction, He gives you freedom. When you give Him your fears, He gives you peace. When you give Him that wrong relationship, He gives you the right one. Trust Him because He is faithful!
So as most of you know, God speaks to me in ALL of life's little moments. What are you holding on to? Have you let go of old habits, relationships, etc. but as soon as they make their way back into your life you latch on with all your might? Is there something that is keeping you from growing up (Spiritually)? We have got to trust God that He has something better for us. He wants to take us where we have never been. And don't let go of one thing to pick another back up. Our security is found in Him alone.
Hudson will grow up and laugh at this story one day. But as adults we don't seem to find much humor in our own struggles. It's real life and it really hurts. My one word of encouragement is that when you give God something He gives back something better. When you give Him your addiction, He gives you freedom. When you give Him your fears, He gives you peace. When you give Him that wrong relationship, He gives you the right one. Trust Him because He is faithful!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Where's the Fruit?
I love Joyce Meyer so much. I have never heard a message that didn't some how speak to me. And when I hear something that touches my life I must share. Matthew 21:18-22 says this, "Early in the morning, as Jesus was on his way back to the city, he was hungry. Seeing a fig tree by the road, he went up to it but found nothing on it except leaves. Then he said to it, “May you never bear fruit again!” Immediately the tree withered. When the disciples saw this, they were amazed. “How did the fig tree wither so quickly?” they asked. Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”
Joyce said she had always felt sorry for the fig tree. Why would Jesus destroy that tree? One day the Holy Spirit revealed to her the meaning of this story. She compared the fig tree covered in leaves to someone who calls themselves a Christian. From a distance the tree looks full and a perfect place to find fruit. And when you are hungry that is an exciting thing to see. But once you start searching under the leaves you find that it is bare. No fruit to be found. We wear crosses around our necks. We put bumper stickers on our cars and we never miss a church service. But if anyone gets close enough they find no fruit. Hypocrites are a stench in the nostrils of our Father. Are you bearing fruit? Well Heather, what do you mean? Galatians 5:22 says, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." When Jesus looks deep inside you, does He see these qualities? You can fool the world but you can't fool Him.
My prayer is that we all bear much fruit. And it can't be done by our own strength. You must ask the Holy Spirit to help you, to guide you and to change you. I believe in you but more importantly, I believe in Him.
Joyce said she had always felt sorry for the fig tree. Why would Jesus destroy that tree? One day the Holy Spirit revealed to her the meaning of this story. She compared the fig tree covered in leaves to someone who calls themselves a Christian. From a distance the tree looks full and a perfect place to find fruit. And when you are hungry that is an exciting thing to see. But once you start searching under the leaves you find that it is bare. No fruit to be found. We wear crosses around our necks. We put bumper stickers on our cars and we never miss a church service. But if anyone gets close enough they find no fruit. Hypocrites are a stench in the nostrils of our Father. Are you bearing fruit? Well Heather, what do you mean? Galatians 5:22 says, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." When Jesus looks deep inside you, does He see these qualities? You can fool the world but you can't fool Him.
My prayer is that we all bear much fruit. And it can't be done by our own strength. You must ask the Holy Spirit to help you, to guide you and to change you. I believe in you but more importantly, I believe in Him.
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