Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Mountain before you!

During prayer time last night at Cowboy Junction, I quoted the scripture found in Mark chapter 11. Jesus is speaking to his disciples and telling them to have faith. And with faith they can speak to the mountain and it shall fall into the sea. The struggles and difficulties that stand before us often seem like a mountain standing in our way. These trials are keeping us from our "promised land" and there is nothing we want more than to see it removed. Well the Lord used a message I had recorded back in March to speak to me in August. I woke up this morning and turned on a previously recorded message by Bishop T.D. Jakes. In this message, he spoke something that gave me a different perspective of those mountains. He said that victory is not found in changing your mountain. Victory is found in your mountain changing you. The Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years in search of their destination that was only a few days journey away. Why? Did they pray and ask God to get them out of the desert? You bet they did. But there was something they had to learn in the desert before God would bring them into their promised land. Do you ever feel like you go around the same mountain over and over again? Be prepared to keep circling until you change what is keeping you there. Mark 11 tells us that with faith all things are possible. But we must also know that God cares about our future. He cares about our children and our grandchildren's future too. The decisions you and I make today can effect our offspring for generations. If there is something we must learn in order to prepare our path to our promised land, God will walk with us around our mountain until we are ready to change our course. The thing is, we have a choice. Do you want your mountain to change or will you let your mountain change you?


  1. Your post is confirmation to me. Joyce Meyer also said today that she wouldn't be who and where she is today if she hadn't have gone through some of the awful things she went through in her life. So.....I know God has even BETTER things in store for me IF I allow Him to use it instead of Satan abusing it! Love you!

  2. Awesome Nora! I believe in you and agree 100%. The best is yet to come. Love you!

  3. I agree totally girls! God uses EVERYTHING for our good!!! He wastes NOTHING!!!
