Monday, September 13, 2010

Question Time!

Okay, I have a question for everyone. Does God favor one man over another? Are His plans greater for me than for you?

I would love to hear what you are thinking. To comment, go to the bottom of this entry and the word comment is written in brown. Click your mouse on that word. Write an answer to the question in the comment box. Then where it says "Comment As:", select Anonymous. You can put your name in the comment box before or after your comment if you wish. Then click the post button.

So many of us are so busy that attending one more thing would be very difficult. I would give anything to meet weekly for a bible study but I haven't a clue where to fit it in. So I would love to use this blog to grow and learn. Please join us in this discussion time.


  1. Our God's desire is to BLESS each one of His Children. He wants to POUR out his RICHEST blessings to allllllll His Creations.

  2. God loves each of us and he has so many amazing blessings for us! I believe that we all have the favor of God. He blesses each one of us!

  3. I know God wants us all to be Blessed. He does not want more for you, me or anyone else. He loves us all the same. It's like my mom and dad always said, they had four kids, and the loved them all equally, but they treated us all different, because we are all different. God would have sent his only Son to die on the Cross, even if it would have been for only you and you alone. He still would have sacrified Him for you. So I know, that he wants all of his children to be Blessed and have rich and loving lives.

  4. I know GOD does not favor one man over another. He loves us all. Some people spend time seeking GOD and he seeks them and this is when they have his will and favor. If you don't spend time seeking him then he won't speak to you. He will always be there for you. Just like you earthly parents, but just not as close. It is a relationship. You have to put into it to make it grow. He is a very loving GOD. Sara

  5. I personally think that sometimes it definitely can SEEM like God favors one man over another. But it isn't because God doesn't desire to give every man opportunities to do great things for His Glory -but because of who actually chooses to LISTEN to HIM. God is searching for His children who will be obedient to him. We have to be sensitive to his 'nudge' and have faith to take the steps necessary to carry out whatever it is He calls us to do.

    As a parent, if one of my children is more willing to do what I ask, then I am going to ask that child to do more things for me. That is because he/she won't throw a fit about it, or complain, or ask WHY??? I think God is the same way - the LOVE is always the same, but it would only make sense that he would use someone who was always WILLING.

    If I ever start to question why someone else seems to have 'more favor' than I do, I have to ask myself: "where are you with your walk?" "Are you listening when God speaks?" "Are you being obedient?"

  6. God has a plan for all of us. The timing and the magnitude of the plan are known to him alone, until he chooses to reveal it to us. What may appear to be inequities in God's plan could be different start times in his service, or a another type of calling entirely. Is the Christian that feeds the homeless, day in and day out, more valuable than a major financial benefactor to the church or religious organization? I could render my opinion, but it is God's that counts.

  7. I agree with all of the above. I think it heavily depends on our perception of favor. Gods ways are higher than our ways and his thoughts higher than our thoughts. If a father sees one of his children struggling in an area and pulls that child over to help him when the other child needs no help in that same area, does one or the other think of it as favor? We too do not see the whole picture. We too often view things from a childs perspective when our father sees the whole picture. Thats why he wants the judgement left up to him and he wants us to do his will and leave others in his hands. We often ask "but why God???" and im sure he answers us just as I answer my daughter "because Im the mommy and I know things that you dont". That should be enough for me. He disciplines those he loves that we may be perfected and changed to look more like Jesus. I love my daughter and discipline her because I care about what the end result will be. I rejoice to know that I have a loving father who cares for me as I do my daughter. We are all blessed...even if it is to enjoy the sight of a sunset he made. His blessings are everywhere, we just often take them for granted. I do not want to be a spoiled child...I want to be a mature woman of God. Some of us are just more stubborn and need to be pulled aside a little more often! lol... Tiffany

  8. Great answers everyone. I love this. I love seeing it from anothers perspective. Thank you for all sharing. God is no respecter of persons. He has bigger plans for us than we have. Keep your eyes on Him and off your neighbor and you won't have a place for jealousy.

  9. GREAT QUESTION - wise responses!!!
    Thank each one of you for sharing your maturity in God. You are loved, appreciated, and prayed for!
