Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The View From My Seat!

What a great weekend! The presence of the Lord was surely at Cowboy Junction. The nice cloud coverage sure helped with the struggling A/C. Praise God the new one is on the way. I have said this many times but I must say it again, "My husband ROCKS." This weeks message was incredible. I love it when he takes a scripture that I have read so many times and shows me a new way to look at it. We talked about offense. Having thick skin but not a hard heart. If our prayers don't seem to be answered at this time, press on. Keep believing that the answer is on the way. When someone hurts us, don't let it affect our life or push us away from where God has us. He used the illustration of a sander. Some things in my life rub me the wrong way. But if I can keep my EMOTIONS in check I am that much closer to the final product. There is a smoothness that develops when we allow God to walk us through tough times. God never said we won't have difficult times. He never said that people won't agitate us and even disappoint us. But He did say that He would never give us more than we can handle. Our goal in this life is to be Christ like. Every day I want the splintered edges of my life to be sanded down. I am confident that it doesn't feel good but I am also confident that God is with me. He will never leave me or forsake me. I have to admit, I am an emotional person. One little thing can send me over the edge. This is not God's best for my life. I have to slow down and breathe. I'm sure many of you feel the same way. Let the anointing (the oil) of God cover you. When storms come your way, the water will roll right off. Matthew 15 was an eye opening chapter. I believe the Lord was showing us to push past the pain and confusion. Don't let anyone or anything keep you from the goodness that God has for you.


  1. I love it too Heather! That was a wonderful perspective and I love what you said about the oil....oil and water definitely don't mix - so if ever you want the water from the storms to repel, bathe yourself in the oil (anointing) of God! Love it!

  2. It was an awesome teaching. Honestly, the message tugged at my heart-strings. I've had some "memories" pop up around me recently AGAIN, and once again those feelings try to rule my emotions......... I used to be pretty tough-skinned, but now...... Well, every day is a new day and a new day to begin again.

  3. It was an awesome message and thank you Heather for reminding me. This is something near and dear to my heart because I myself am very thinned skinned and I know I have to work very hard on it. The smallest of things make me feel inadequate and I have to keep in mind that I am always adequate to God, he is more than enough for me.
